3 sins in business. Beware!

Yes, even in business, there are the sins that you must avoid at any cost! For a business people, the sins are too great that god will “pay you cash”. Yes, you must know them and must avoid it for your business to grow and expand, beyond your own expectation. A good proverb say “avoid the sins, then you are a human”. Of course, you must understand these so called “sins” in business.

First thing you should know that, never trade your time with the money! Gennet Hammet, a business coach said that “there’s a fine line between great customer service and doing something for nothing. Consistently providing more than what’s expected creates an expectation” If you are staying like this, you or your employees are spending time and chase the money instead of spending the time wisely. Yes, that’s the truth, you must know where is the boundary and limit, so that you are not “chasing” the money by sacrificing your own time. Be wise and be thoughtful!

Second sin, do not aim for big or have such a big wishful thinking. This can be considered as bold or big talk. By developing and nurturing relationships in a mutually beneficial fashion is business as usual. But, do you feel guilty of working with customers that aren’t quite the right fit for you, just to get closer to ones you are aiming? It is because, you are chasing something big by not considering the small one in front of you. this will be nothing if you stumble when you are facing the problems in business.

The last sin is discount or over promotion your products. This is a sin that usually committed by the starter. It is a problem if they are not consulting the business consultant, but to do the promotion and gives the discount frequently will show the value of your products. Indirectly, you are devaluing your product or service. You are inadvertently sending the message that what you’re selling is not worth full price. Bear in mind that discounting depreciates your product’s value if you do it all the time.

As for the conclusion, these sins are should be avoided as it will be such a big problem to your company. Be careful with these “devil tricks”.
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