Showing posts with label website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website. Show all posts

Ways to attract your clients in t shirt printing Industry.

Of course, customers or clients are everything that you need in your business. Without them, how can your business “work”? Well, other than have the soft skill communication, actually there are a lot of ways to attract the customers or the clients to buy your products. This is necessary especially in the t shirt printing industry.
The first step is of course knowing your clients. It means that you need to understand the religion or the culture practices of your clients. Of course, if you need to design the t shirt, you need to avoid the racism or something that is inappropriate for the client’s religion. For example, for Malay who is Muslim, is prohibited to wear anything that resembles other religion be it the t shirt. So, it is necessary to consider your clients’ practices in a deal.
Other than that, when you are dealing with your clients, you need to be knowledgeable about your business. it is because, it is easy for you to answer the questions by your customers and clients regarding your business. With this, it will ensure your customers that your company or your business is trust able.
Indeed, think yourself to find an answer in dealing with the customers. It is because, if you give your potential clients a good reason to try your services, this will be your first step into making them a loyal customer tp your company. As suggested by Jason Reis, the owner and lead programmer for Flehx Corp. said that “Provide value and establish yourself as having an in-depth understanding of the problems they are looking to solve. This takes the form of creating content via webinars, blog posts, guest blogging, and getting out there and physically networking with people. From all this you will start to attract a following, and as long as you have a structured sales funnel setup, you will be able to convert the followers/fans into paying customers.”
Keep in mind to “trace” where your customers come from. It is not about the location or the place that is needed but with your targeted customers in mind, “identify those places where they are likely to be found (media, online, offline, mail, etc.), and then create messages for them,” says Jeff Motter, CEO and chief marketing officer of East Bay Marketing Group. This is because, if you look for customers, it will depend on the nature of your business. Some good online locations include forums and social media pages, including your own and those of similar or complementary businesses. When it comes offline, you can meet plenty of potential customers at conferences and conventions in your industry.
To sum up, in the printing business, it is necessary for the manager to know how to attract your customers so that it will build your business from time by time.

How to be our agent!

Yes, we are looking and hiring someone to be our agent. To be a part of our family at Saudagar Printing and Souvenir. To be with us through the thick and thin. Well, if you are interested in becoming one of our part of company, it is actually easy steps to be followed! one click, fill the form and there you go, welcome to our dream!

First thing first, fill the form about your personal details in the part Your personal Details as below. And of course you need to write your adress as well. PLEASE WRITE THE CURRENT ADRESS because it will be easy for us to contact you or to deliver our products to you. Of course, please fill the form with all honesty.

Of course, SSM is important because it shows your validity as someone capable becoming our agent. We hire the skills and not the people. Please upload your certificate in the column provided as shown in this picture below.

 Of course, you can require anything necessary for you like machines, items or services that you need. We will be pleased to help you.

And Last but no least, create you own password and confirm it with us. We will entertain you as soon as we received you application!

For more info, you can visit this web page:

 We will help you to become our agent and indirectly become one of our family! 
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Our T shirts at Saudagar Printing and Souvenir!

Of course, your school or company is going to held an event, so you are wondering how to order the T shirt for that event? What are the materials that appropriate for it? Is the material is appropriate for the kids as well? Well, please don’t be hesitate. Do come and visit our company, Saudagar Printing and Souvenir. We are here in Pahang. Yes, we have everything that we could serve you.

Of course, our material is made up of 100% cotton. The benefits of using the cotton material is that it is a good absorbent for sweat. Not only that, it is comfortable to wear it any time even under the sun shine! Well, we want the best for our dear customers and of course comfort is our first priority in custom made T- shirt.

How about the design and pattern? Which one of the designs that is suitable to be wore? Please, do not worry over such thing because we have all kind of T shirts such as short sleeve T shirt, long sleeve T shirt, POLO, Raglan and many more. Of course we have the t shirt for children and baby as well. This pictures below are the sample for type of RAGLAN shirt and round neck T shirt.

We will be pleased if we could help you, so If you want to order any t shirt as above OR to know more info,  please contact us :
Our branch manager, Mr Wan : 1. 0176273066
                                                   2. 0123783066

Here is our link to our website : 
All you have to do is copy that link and paste it in Google search Engine and Voila! Welcome to our small world.

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Cameo Silhouette.

A beautiful name, isn’t? Do you know what is cameo silhouette? Well. It is a cutting machine and to be precise, it  is an electronic cutting machine for personal use. Just like a home printer, all you need you do is to plug in it into your PC or MAC with simple USB cable.

Well. For the first-time user, you need to install the software that had been included together when you buy the machine. First thing first, you need to check the cutting blade starting from the number one. Make sure you use the suitable pressure according to the thickness of vinyl, sticker and dark paper. Keep in your mind to no scratch the board cutting. However, if the pressure is quite low, it will probably cause the cutting to be not perfect or break either.

The speed for the cutting blade is important to get a perfect and beautiful cutting. Be smart in setting the speed for the cutting blade to avoid the imperfect cutting. If the design has many curves and quite serrated, lower the speed for the cutting. However, if the design is in the straight line only, then you can “add on” the speed of the cutting for the blade. The perfect speed for the cutting is around 5-12. If the cutting is still not beautiful, you need to check the sharpness of the blade.

Before you do the cutting, you need to do the “test cut” first before you do the real cutting one. The best shape for the “test cut” is a square pattern or triangle pattern to test either the pressure and the speed for the cutting blade is suitable with the material that you want to cut. Oh, please do not worry on how to adjust the patterns as that patterns are available in the software that you installed in your PC and MAC.
Do not forget to check the material that you want to cut as the material must be in parallel position with this machine. This is because, it will help to avoid the cutting from “straying” the cutting line. If there is only a small piece that is hard to be broken off from the material, use the pin or tweezers to break that small pieces.

In order to avoid the dusts from falling on the material while cutting it, always cover the cutting mat after use it. This is indirectly to make sure the stickiness on the cutting board to be long lasting and durable. You must always monitor the sharpness of the cutting blade to make sure it will stay sharp. You can always use the cotton bud or a piece of the cloth to clean the blade.

Actually, it is not hard to take care of this machine. You can do it by yourself but it just need a little bit patience and caring only.

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Hydrographic Printing. What is that?

Well, have you ever heard about this word "hydrographic" in the printing world? Well, as its name appears as what it means, htdrographic is a methid of applying printed designs to three dimensional surfaces. It is also known as water heat transfer printing. the Hydrographic process can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hard woods and various other materials. There is the history about hydrographic printing. the first hydrographic apparatus was registered for US patent by Motoyasu Nakanish of Kabushiki Kaisha Cubic Engineering on July 26 in 1982.

Indeed, the water transfer printing process is extensively used to decorate items that range from entire all-terrain vehicles and car dashboards and even to small items such as bike, helmets or other automative trim. For your information, believe it or not that if an item that be dipped in the water where it can be painted by using traditional techniques then the hydrographic printing process can be used together with it. 

In the process, the method of printing is using a special paper that is known as waterslide decal paper. In another words, it means that it is like "applying" the sticker on the desired product. This paper is quite thin compare to the common sticker. So, the result will prove that this waterslide decal paper is better than a normal sticker.

Yes, this method is cheaper that heat press technique. You want to know why? it is because, this technique does not requireany use of heat stress or heat press. All you have to do is to buy a decal paper, then you can print whatever your desired designs, pictures and calligraphy by using inkjet or laser printer  and later on, attach it directly on the product. Also, the last step you need to do is to dry it just by using a hairdryer! See! As simple as that where you can even fill your free time or do it at home as your side income!

Oh, there is one fact left about hydrographic printing. Is it can be repainted on the same product or surface? the answer is YES! whether you dont like the designs or you want to have another new design on the sae surface, all you have to do just sanded those unwanted designs by using sand paper gently and painted it again. There you go! the piece is ready again for the same printing process.

Well. This is all you need to know about the hydrographic printing. Embrace yourself with this fun indoor activity, people.
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Keep on evolving in business world. What are the tips?

Keep on evolving in business world. What are the tips?

Sure, you have your own business, your products and the sales has its up and down but how you maintain the sale? How you want to keep on evolving in the business world? Good questions! Well for every entrepreneur, you need to think ahead before anyone else to make sure your business keeps on changing and follow the trends. Thus, actually there are the tips for your business to keep on evolving in the business world. Let us check them one by one.

Of course, be nimble is all you need to do in your business. Thus, by being nimble meaning that you need to be quick, light, or agile in movement or action. Of course, at the same time you need to be clever and acute in devising or understanding the decision that you do in the business. With this method, you need to work faster and think wisely on your own will help you to provide your employees with the best direction and lead. This actually helps you to keep on evolving in the business world. For example, if you notice that competitors have duplicate your original ideas and are pushing for new and improved versions, be aware of that fact and pivot your business. You need to come out with the “counter attack” strategies to provide something even better.

From the other perspectives, the next tips will be that you need to think ahead in business. of course, you need to be prepared for what will happen in future. Yes, by anticipating the changes in your industry and at the same time conducting research and do some readings will help you to analyse the market demanding or the market changes. You can subscribe to important industry newsletters, collect quarterly reports and listen to what others are saying. With this, if the things always change, the more you predict the future, the better preparation you will have in the business and secure it. Keep in your mind that once you move the steps with the forecasts in your industry, make sure your products or developments are staying ahead of industry advancements.

Other than that, as a leader, you need to set up your mind and keep your goal on the track. Of course, be alert for any changes or decision that you did because this can be a direction of your goal.  You need to consider which ways will benefit your end goal. All you need to do is to ensure that while you evolve, you keep in mind that "smart" decisions are those that will help you reach your goals.
Be it in a business and as a leader, you need to create a team or a “helper” who will stand together with you. It is important to not only to be a strong leader in a fast-moving industry, but to also to have a strong team. A team with different abilities and skills will eventually secure your business in evolution process. Thus, you as the leader will be able to “block” and tackle multiple projects and to glean smart insight from your employees. Yes, be a leader that be surrounded by people who push you to think differently, who bring a new point of view to the table and who elevate your leadership.

To sum up, these tips are needed as you need to keep on change in the business for good reasons. One of the reasons is that to expanding your business beyond your expectation. Think big and do more efforts!

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Review Marketing Plan? 3 WH questions of What, Why and When.

Yes, every company or business do have their own marketing plan or strategies. But as a someone who manage and handle the company, have you ever thought to review your marketing strategies or update them from time to time?Well, it is important for you to know about the reviewing the marketing plan once in a while. Well, take a deep breath and let’s understand about this 3WH marketing plan.

As for the question “what”, do you know what is reviewing marketing plan? Reviewing marketing plan meaning that you are always “check” your marketing plan once in a while. Meaning that, for example, you should review your marketing plan every three months. Whether you are solely responsible for marketing, or work as part of a team, a strong review process will help you stay on track with your big picture goals while you wrestle with the challenges of implementing tactics in business. You have to review them because they actually benefit your company in the future. This will be discussed further in answering the question “why” in the next paragraph.

Of course, as to answer the question “why” you need to review your marketing plan is actually related to the benefits of the reviewing those strategies in business. Reviewing your plan on a regular basis is so important so you should schedule your review dates. By reviewing the marketing strategies and plans, you will be able to update them. Besides, you will also find the strengths and the weaknesses of those plans and strategies for you business. Also, with the rapid changes of technologies and medias, you can utilize them in expanding your business. Yes, when you are reviewing your marketing strategies and plan with your marketing team, you will know what you should do for the next step. Believe it or not, with different thoughts and ideas can actually help you in your business and this can only be achieved when you are reviewing your marketing plan.

Last but not least, to answer the question “when” to review your marketing plan, there are a lot of “time” to review it. However, before you review it, though, decide exactly what you’ll review, how you’ll approach troubleshooting, and what you’ll do when things don’t quite go according to plan. Once you make any needed adjustments, it’s time to do it all again. There are two major signals that it’s time to rethink and revisit your marketing plan. The first is when you launch one or more campaigns based on your stated core value proposition or promoting your new or flagship product. Believe it, those promotions will start bombing in market demanding.

To sum it, these questions are necessary as you need to review your marketing once in a while. It actually benefits your company in many ways. 
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Develop technical expertise in business? 3 ways to develop it.

Technical expertise as these two words stand, what does it mean? Well, it is about the skill or experience you've received in the field of technology or you could list the techniques you've specialized in and the machinery you've knowledge of and can handle it. Thus, how can it be related to the business world? Well, it does relate in the business world when you as the business man decide to develop your idea in the business. For example, you have an idea for a start-up and you know how it will work or how you want it to work, but you don’t have the technical means (read skills) to realize it. Thus, by having strong technical skills and expertise in the area of your choosing will definitely help you in the business. Therefore, because of this situation, thus there are actually 3 ways to develop it.

One of it, learn from the experts meaning that  you should have someone who is knowledgeable or more skills that you can refer to when there is something happen in your business. Yes, success in any field involves constant learning, changing and evolving. You must have up-to-date knowledge about what you’re working on. If you go for online course, you can refer to Industry experts like someone who is already know about business world more than you think! Like your senior in business or your role model. She or he will tell you about all interactive and all in courses in business world. Woo hoo! this talk is all about the learning from the bosses!

Of course, this is a common thing in business world where you need to come out with a modern, stunning and very engaging website. Yes, website is one way to go beyond the limit. Meaning that, your target customer outside your country even can take a look into your products. On top of it, as a business people, you can attract your customer by presenting your ideas, promotions or even the sales through the website. There is a few personalization that you can set up in your website to make it friendly users. This can be considered as one of the way to develop the technical skill.

Other than that, you need to be socially active meaning that you as a business people should meddling with other people. By building a social surrounding with other people might open a new path for you in the business world. Of course, this can lead to your social medial presence where you can have your own way to promote your products. Oh, this can be one of the way to develop the technical skill. It is because, advertising and targeting customer’s attention also need this skill.

To sum up these points,yes, these are the ways for you to develop the technical skills in the business. Believe it or not, you can develop this skill in the business and sharpen it from time by time.
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3 sins in business. Beware!

Yes, even in business, there are the sins that you must avoid at any cost! For a business people, the sins are too great that god will “pay you cash”. Yes, you must know them and must avoid it for your business to grow and expand, beyond your own expectation. A good proverb say “avoid the sins, then you are a human”. Of course, you must understand these so called “sins” in business.

First thing you should know that, never trade your time with the money! Gennet Hammet, a business coach said that “there’s a fine line between great customer service and doing something for nothing. Consistently providing more than what’s expected creates an expectation” If you are staying like this, you or your employees are spending time and chase the money instead of spending the time wisely. Yes, that’s the truth, you must know where is the boundary and limit, so that you are not “chasing” the money by sacrificing your own time. Be wise and be thoughtful!

Second sin, do not aim for big or have such a big wishful thinking. This can be considered as bold or big talk. By developing and nurturing relationships in a mutually beneficial fashion is business as usual. But, do you feel guilty of working with customers that aren’t quite the right fit for you, just to get closer to ones you are aiming? It is because, you are chasing something big by not considering the small one in front of you. this will be nothing if you stumble when you are facing the problems in business.

The last sin is discount or over promotion your products. This is a sin that usually committed by the starter. It is a problem if they are not consulting the business consultant, but to do the promotion and gives the discount frequently will show the value of your products. Indirectly, you are devaluing your product or service. You are inadvertently sending the message that what you’re selling is not worth full price. Bear in mind that discounting depreciates your product’s value if you do it all the time.

As for the conclusion, these sins are should be avoided as it will be such a big problem to your company. Be careful with these “devil tricks”.
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4 faiths in business. What are they?

Your business is growing and expanding beyond your expectations. Congratulations! You are a good leader now than before when you are just a starter in the business world. But, always remember to be humble and not just to “look up” all the time. However, some young entrepreneurs are quickly to change their faiths and attitudes once they have all the glory and success business. This is what the taboo that an entrepreneur should not do.
The most important faith is to be humble in the business all the time. Yes, you got praises for your successfulness and everyone look up at you but, never ever talk big or be boastful of it. Always keep in your mind that there is someone who is better than you in the business. This is to avoid you from looking down at everyone or to those who just start their business. Remember, you are also start with a “starter”. Even so, you can be humble by sharing your experience and tips to those young entrepreneurs and always remind them to be “humble” in business. If you show them a good role model, they will surely follow your lead!

Of course, sharing is caring is one of the faith in business. Sharing here meaning that you are voluntarily to share whatever your tips and opinions in business. For those young entrepreneurs and starter might seek for your advices to help them to handle the business. You need to keep in your mind that if you help other people, someday other people will help you back and of course, God will give you the helping hand in the way you will never expect it. Believe it or not, the successful business man is someone who is not “stingy” about the knowledge and experience.
Honestly, you need to think that there is someone better than you in the business world. If you have this kind of thinking, rest assure that you are not a snobbish person in this entrepreneur world. Sometimes, you can always learn from someone even though you are a successful person itself. We don’t know what other people might think or what is their opinion. But you can always ask from them and believe it, an intelligent person is always asking compare to the idiot who will always stay silent.  So, if you think that there is someone who is better than you, you can always ask for the advice and opinions as well.

Never give up is faith that you as the entrepreneur must hold in business world. Of course, you might have ups and downs in business but what doesn’t kill you make you stronger. You need to get up or build from scratch but never ever give up at all when you are facing those hurdles and problems. Sometimes, you might break down but after you done with those regrets and hatred, stand up back and fight! To be an entrepreneur meaning that you must not give up at all.

As for the conclusion, if you hold on to these faiths, you will never stray from your path and you will always stay firm with what you want in your business. Stay strong!
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Invest in down market in Malaysia. What are the tips?

Down Market. It means that a place which is toward or relating to the cheaper or less prestigious sector of the market. The down market can be targeted by the business people to expand their business widely. That is the reason why down market become the target place for the business people. However, there is a way to invest in down market in Malaysia. Let us look into the points one by one so that you can have a future plan in business.

The first thing that you need to consider when you decide to do the investments is looking at the value investing. Honestly, you can have the better value when the items are at the depresses prices. You can find great assets with deep discounts, and make your investment with minimum downside, but a lot of upside. As Kc Lau, the founder of KCLAU.Com states that “You can buy shares of “good businesses” on the stock market. There are other forms of ownership — but generally, buying stock is the most straightforward” can be one of the investment way in the down market.

The next thing you need to consider is to hold on to the cash. YOU NEED TO CONSIDER THE TIME TO HOLD ON TO YOUR CASH. Sometimes, people always say that making an investment during this time is very risky. Yes, it is indeed risky, but if you do your homework and select good stocks or properties, you will be rewarded handsomely. Keep in your mind that you could park your hard cash temporarily in a lower-return but safe and liquid investment like fixed deposits, before you strike with your next investment. That is the way for you as the business people to invest in the down market.

Asset is one of the tips to do the investments in the down market. The assets such as stocks, funds, bonds, properties and even small business will give you a right and proper balance if the business people knows how to have right proportion of asset.  For example, you might not want to plunk everything into the Malaysian stock market or worse, invest in one single company. Perhaps diversify into growth companies like Vitrox or OCK, and also high-income generating counters like retail.

Last thing you need to know is that, in a down market or market where there’s a lot of uncertainty, it’s about finding “safe haven” investments. That means investing less in speculative investments, and more in “quality” investments. For example, within stocks, it’s about choosing the blue chips over the small OR mid-size companies. So, this is the way for you to do “smart” investments in down market.
To conclude, these are the tips that you can “apply” in doing the investments in down market. Be smart to do it!

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Strive the company culture.

Every company or business who success must have their biggest and very influence company culture that encourage and lift up the morale of employees. Believe it that the many culture is what it will lead you to be success in the business world. The company culture or in another word corporate culture refer to the beliefs and behaviours that determine how a company's employees and management interact and handle outside business transactions. Often, corporate culture is implied, not expressly defined, and develops organically over time from the cumulative traits of the people the company hires.  There are tips and ideas to help you build your organizational culture or company culture.

First is to create a mission and vision in the company or in the business. This is because, by having the vision and mission in the company will guide you to not stray from your path in the business world. Of course, there are ups and downs in the business world but as long as you have the model then you will surely not give up in the middle way. This will increase the likelihood that the rest of the company will buy in, and support it.
Of course, communication is important in the business culture. Without the communication, how can you and the workers interact to each other? Once you have your vision and mission, develop the communication ways in the company or business. Since we are living in the modern era, technologies are everywhere. You can do this through group meetings, one-on-one calls and in email communications.
Yes, you have the vision and mission and at the same time you develop the communication ways in the business or company, but how you can instil those vision and mission despite of the workers’ behaviours. Many people assume team members know how to behave, but the reality is they don’t. The only way to get consistency is through written behavioural standards. The standards must be either observable, tangible or measurable. Thus, to implement those behavioural committees, behavioural standards committee to develop the standards. Why? Aside from getting better buy-in, you also get better ideas from people who are on the front lines every day, and they are the people who know what is really happening. Other than that, you can send your employees to the behavioural standard training to instil the values in their professional.

Other than that, to enhance the company culture and corporate culture, you can come out with reward and consequences. This is because, you can reinforce your workers by rewarding people when they meet the expectations in the standard business culture. Then, you can let other people know there are consequences for not meeting them. When people get rewarded for meeting or exceeding standards, the news travels fast. Later on, with the annual performance reviews, you need to change them to follow the mission, vision and behavioural standards in the business culture. If they are not included in the annual review, then after one review cycle, all your hard work will fade away. People only pay attention to what gets measured and evaluated.

To sum up, there are ways to create the create the culture. It is up to you to build it; foster it; support it; and live it. When you do you'll have true quality, and you will get great consequences.
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The use of cotton in t shirt industry.

Cotton fibre can be woven or knitted into fabrics such as velvet, corduroy, chambray, velour, jersey and flannel.  In addition to textile products like underwear, socks and t-shirts, cotton is also used in fishnets, coffee filters, book binding and archival paper.  Cotton is a food and a fibre crop.  Cotton seed is fed to cattle and crushed to make oil.  This cottonseed oil is used for cooking and in products like soap, margarine, emulsifiers, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics.

Malaysia has such a warm weather. It could be hot and it could be cold. So, in this situation, materials for daily wear is important as it could make us, the wearer to be in comfortable. Thus, cotton is considered the most suitable material to make daily wear especially the t shirt. To begin with, of course cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fibre that grows in a boll, or protective case, around the seeds of cotton plants of the genus Gossypium in the family of Malvaceae. The fiber is almost pure cellulose. That is the reason why it is suitable for people who lives in the warm weather like Malaysia.

Of course, there are the history behind the cotton manufacturing. The use of cotton for fabric is known to date to prehistoric times; fragments of cotton fabric dated from 5000 BC have been excavated in Mexico and the Indus Valley Civilization in Indian subcontinent between 6000 BC and 5000 BC. Although cultivated since antiquity, it was the invention of the cotton gin that lowered the cost of production that led to its widespread use, and it is the most widely used natural fiber cloth in clothing today.

Indeed, the cotton itself has many benefits. Cotton fibre can be woven or knitted into fabrics such as velvet, corduroy, chambray, velour, jersey and flannel.  In addition to textile products like underwear, socks and t-shirts, cotton is also used in fishnets, coffee filters, book binding and archival paper.  Cotton is a food AND a fibre crop.  Cotton seed is fed to cattle and crushed to make oil.  This cottonseed oil is used for cooking and in products like soap, margarine, emulsifiers, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics.

The uses of cotton as t shirt material is that it can be a good sweat absorber. Whenever the wearer becomes sweat or perspired, the cotton material will absorb the sweat and allow the wind to cool down the wearer’s body. This will avoid the wearer from feeling hot and avoid from getting heat stroke especially in the drought season in Malaysia. That is why, the cotton material always be the first choice in the t shirt industry.

Other than that, since Malaysia is a country with warm climate, it is suitable to grow the cotton plant in here. Thus, despite of its rapid growth, the cotton is easy available and the labour or the cost is cheap compared to the other material. Of course, with its high demand from the customer, that is the reason why the t shirt manufacturer will choose the cotton as their first choice to produce a lot of t shirts.

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Traditional tools to promote your business !

Actually, by not depending on those modern gadgets, the traditional tools also play the importance roles in expanding the business and help you as the business people in many ways. Of course, they transcend through time and that is why they are important in business world.

One of them, is known as radio. There are three types of radio: traditional AM/FM, internet and satellite. Many PR professionals still consider traditional AM/FM and satellite radio interviews to be of the highest value when it comes to brand building. One reason is that the barrier to entry is significantly higher (Busy producers, who are pitched potential guests all day long, say yes only to interviewees who meet a certain level of professional achievement or expertise).

Other than that, nowadays in every house, we could see at least one house with one television. The Mainstream TV is often considered the big role of public relations, landing a spot as a guest on a national TV show (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC etc.) Just remember that the competition for placement on top networks and popular shows is fierce, and more often than not, it requires using the services (and paying the costs) of a PR professional. Since virtually every national show requires video proof of a guest’s TV worthiness, it’s a good idea to start by getting booked on local news and morning shows in your area and working your way up.

Of course, newspapers and Magazines are the traditional tools as well. Mention of your business (or person) in a magazine or newspaper can be a major boon to your brand. In addition, since most hard-copy publications have an online version, the chance for live links back to your website is good. Which publications you go after placement in depends on your business, objectives and audience. Possibilities include trade magazines, popular national or regional magazines, and national and local newspapers.

To sum up, all these traditional tools are necessary in promoting your business and at the same time to help you in marketing wise. So, all you need to do is to utilize all those tools for your business’s sake.
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Hipster style. Is the t shirt printing can be hipster?

The answer, YES! Even the t shirt’s design printing can be as hipster as the wearer wants it. Of course, the hipster style is necessary for the printing business. however, have you ever think what is the hipster? What are the designs? Who are they, the hipsters? To begin with, hipster is a culture that emerges from the west countries. According to Wikipedia, 2016 states that The hipster subculture is composed of affluent or middle class youth who reside primarily in gentrifying neighbourhoods. It is broadly associated with indie and alternative music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility, vintage and thrift store-bought clothing, generally progressive political views, organic and artisanal foods, and alternative lifestyles.

As you can see, nowadays the teenagers are preferring the hipster style so the t shirt is the way for them that they are hipsters. You can see from the design that they choose on the t shirt. If they are preferring vintage style, then they are showing the signs that they are hipster. Well, the hipster loves to mash up their style like wearing the t shirt with the jackets or versaty jackets. This will make them looks like dandy or kind of “out of” league?

Sometimes, they prefer to wear t shirt with the skinny jeans. Of course, the skinny jeans is in the bright colour like red, blue and etc. With wearing the t shirt with hipster designs will show that they are hipsters. Note that guy hipsters actually probably wear skinny jeans more than the girls (girls prefer leggings). Alternatively, for women, high-waist pants (a.k.a. "mom jeans") may also be worn.
Of course, other than t shirt, the hipster loves to wear ironic tops. For tops, the following are good picks: band shirts such as Pink Floyd, Metallica, Van Halen, etc, plaid shirts, cowboy shirts, flannels, and anything in gingham, plaid, checkers, paisley, vintage florals. Many hipsters sport tops with appliques, images of animals or forests, other images, characters from children's TV, and ironic sayings or even book covers. And they will wear the fit hoodies too.

One thing for sure, the hipster is love to mismatch and layer. Layering or wearing things that don't match together is very hipster. It's that "I can't be bothered" look that actually takes some planning until you get into the habit. Remember that a hipster's outfit never needs adjustment should you decide to go to the beach—keep all of your urban accompaniments for the sand and surf to ironically stick out of your element. Don’t be surprised if they wear the t shirt, wear a bright colour jean and a boot.
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