Showing posts with label design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label design. Show all posts

How to print the design or text on the hat?

Hat is off! Voila! Well. Hat is important in the fashion. It is a must-complete-suit that will make your day perfect. Hat can be worn by women, men and even children. It is a fashion that transcend through the time. So, the design on the hat must be looking good and fantastic! But, hey. There will always the problems about designing the hat. For example, what kind of embroidery that fit the hat? Or just print the logo on the hat? Or just the text as the design? What the colour of the hat that match well or blend together? Or perhaps the blocking colour will look good too? These questions are the main foundational of the problems. However, ladies and gentlemen. Rest assured as we will point out the tips to help you to “create” your own perfect hat! Bear in mind that you should learn a little bit about embroidery and printing techniques that will make your hat looks…perfect… fantastic… and fabulous.

First, embroidery is popular to be used as one of the designs on the hat. It will look more stunning and you do not need to waste your money on this design. It is because, to do a perfect embroidery, you just need to use different colours for the thread to create the designs or your texts on your hat. So, if you want a simple design yet need a lot of colour variety, embroidery is a perfect way to design your hat.

Second, Printing especially screen printing is necessary as one of the techniques to create the designs or texts on the hat. However, not all hat can use this technique. It is because, this screen printing is more suitable to be used on the hat’s surface that doesn’t has centre seam such as soldier hat. That is the reason why this screen printing is not quite popular to be used to design the hat.

Third, transfer printing is one of the ways to design the printing. This technique is quite easy to be applied on the hat because of the printing will be print on the special paper before being pasted on the hat. However, as easy it is to do the printing, it is also easily washed off. The design is not long lasting at all. On the same page with screen printing, this type of printing is more suitable to be used on the hat’s surface that  doesn’t has centre seam.

All these techniques or methods are necessary to be learnt as you can decide what kind of designs you want to use on the hat. Also, if you do not understand about this kind of methods and techniques, feel free to ask the designer in the company printing to assist you in getting the custom made hat. Hasta da Lavista!

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Our T shirts at Saudagar Printing and Souvenir!

Of course, your school or company is going to held an event, so you are wondering how to order the T shirt for that event? What are the materials that appropriate for it? Is the material is appropriate for the kids as well? Well, please don’t be hesitate. Do come and visit our company, Saudagar Printing and Souvenir. We are here in Pahang. Yes, we have everything that we could serve you.

Of course, our material is made up of 100% cotton. The benefits of using the cotton material is that it is a good absorbent for sweat. Not only that, it is comfortable to wear it any time even under the sun shine! Well, we want the best for our dear customers and of course comfort is our first priority in custom made T- shirt.

How about the design and pattern? Which one of the designs that is suitable to be wore? Please, do not worry over such thing because we have all kind of T shirts such as short sleeve T shirt, long sleeve T shirt, POLO, Raglan and many more. Of course we have the t shirt for children and baby as well. This pictures below are the sample for type of RAGLAN shirt and round neck T shirt.

We will be pleased if we could help you, so If you want to order any t shirt as above OR to know more info,  please contact us :
Our branch manager, Mr Wan : 1. 0176273066
                                                   2. 0123783066

Here is our link to our website : 
All you have to do is copy that link and paste it in Google search Engine and Voila! Welcome to our small world.

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Cameo Silhouette.

A beautiful name, isn’t? Do you know what is cameo silhouette? Well. It is a cutting machine and to be precise, it  is an electronic cutting machine for personal use. Just like a home printer, all you need you do is to plug in it into your PC or MAC with simple USB cable.

Well. For the first-time user, you need to install the software that had been included together when you buy the machine. First thing first, you need to check the cutting blade starting from the number one. Make sure you use the suitable pressure according to the thickness of vinyl, sticker and dark paper. Keep in your mind to no scratch the board cutting. However, if the pressure is quite low, it will probably cause the cutting to be not perfect or break either.

The speed for the cutting blade is important to get a perfect and beautiful cutting. Be smart in setting the speed for the cutting blade to avoid the imperfect cutting. If the design has many curves and quite serrated, lower the speed for the cutting. However, if the design is in the straight line only, then you can “add on” the speed of the cutting for the blade. The perfect speed for the cutting is around 5-12. If the cutting is still not beautiful, you need to check the sharpness of the blade.

Before you do the cutting, you need to do the “test cut” first before you do the real cutting one. The best shape for the “test cut” is a square pattern or triangle pattern to test either the pressure and the speed for the cutting blade is suitable with the material that you want to cut. Oh, please do not worry on how to adjust the patterns as that patterns are available in the software that you installed in your PC and MAC.
Do not forget to check the material that you want to cut as the material must be in parallel position with this machine. This is because, it will help to avoid the cutting from “straying” the cutting line. If there is only a small piece that is hard to be broken off from the material, use the pin or tweezers to break that small pieces.

In order to avoid the dusts from falling on the material while cutting it, always cover the cutting mat after use it. This is indirectly to make sure the stickiness on the cutting board to be long lasting and durable. You must always monitor the sharpness of the cutting blade to make sure it will stay sharp. You can always use the cotton bud or a piece of the cloth to clean the blade.

Actually, it is not hard to take care of this machine. You can do it by yourself but it just need a little bit patience and caring only.

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Hydrographic Printing. What is that?

Well, have you ever heard about this word "hydrographic" in the printing world? Well, as its name appears as what it means, htdrographic is a methid of applying printed designs to three dimensional surfaces. It is also known as water heat transfer printing. the Hydrographic process can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hard woods and various other materials. There is the history about hydrographic printing. the first hydrographic apparatus was registered for US patent by Motoyasu Nakanish of Kabushiki Kaisha Cubic Engineering on July 26 in 1982.

Indeed, the water transfer printing process is extensively used to decorate items that range from entire all-terrain vehicles and car dashboards and even to small items such as bike, helmets or other automative trim. For your information, believe it or not that if an item that be dipped in the water where it can be painted by using traditional techniques then the hydrographic printing process can be used together with it. 

In the process, the method of printing is using a special paper that is known as waterslide decal paper. In another words, it means that it is like "applying" the sticker on the desired product. This paper is quite thin compare to the common sticker. So, the result will prove that this waterslide decal paper is better than a normal sticker.

Yes, this method is cheaper that heat press technique. You want to know why? it is because, this technique does not requireany use of heat stress or heat press. All you have to do is to buy a decal paper, then you can print whatever your desired designs, pictures and calligraphy by using inkjet or laser printer  and later on, attach it directly on the product. Also, the last step you need to do is to dry it just by using a hairdryer! See! As simple as that where you can even fill your free time or do it at home as your side income!

Oh, there is one fact left about hydrographic printing. Is it can be repainted on the same product or surface? the answer is YES! whether you dont like the designs or you want to have another new design on the sae surface, all you have to do just sanded those unwanted designs by using sand paper gently and painted it again. There you go! the piece is ready again for the same printing process.

Well. This is all you need to know about the hydrographic printing. Embrace yourself with this fun indoor activity, people.
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Kadang-kadang, untuk mencetak sebuah topi pun boleh menjadi satu masalah. Masalah bagaimana tu? Iyalah, sulaman atau cetakan manakah yang lebih sesuai. Nak letakkan logo sahaja atau perkataan? Kesemua persoalan ini boleh membuatkan anda pening kepala kan? Disini kami berikan tips ringkas kepada anda tentang apa yang harus anda lakukan pada cap tersebut.

Anda hanya perlu tahu serba sedikit tentang teknik cetakan serta sulaman yang sesuai bagi topi anda. Yang pertama adalah sulaman. Ia sangat popular untuk digunakan ke atas topi. Ia lebih menyerlah dan anda tidak perlu menambah kos pun sekiranya anda ini menambah lebih warna benang. Selalunya anda akan dapat melihat sulaman ke atas sport caps, ataupun topi yang digunakan pada acara-acara tertentu. Jika design yang anda mahukan itu kecil dan ringkas tetapi memerlukan penggunaan warna yang pelbagai, embroidery adalah pilihan yang terbaik untuk anda.
Yang kedua adalah cetakan screen printing. Untuk kaedah screen printing, tidak semua jenis topi sesuai untuk dicetak menggunakan kaedah ini. Teknik ini lebih sesuai digunakan ke atas topi yang tidak mempunysi ‘centre seam’ (jahitan pusat) seperti topi tentera.

Seterusnya merupakan teknik cetakan transfer printing. Teknik ini lebih mudah untuk diaplikasikan kerana cetakan akan di print di atas kertas khas sebelum ditekapkan ke atas topi. Tetapi kelemahannya ia mudah luntur jika dibasuh berkali-kali. Dan seperti juga teknik screen printing, teknik transfer juga lebih sesuai untuk digunakan ke atas topi yang tidak mempunyai ‘centre seam’.
Setelah anda mengetahui tentang teknik-teknik di atas, bolehlah anda mereka design logo atau sulaman yang bersesuai. Jika anda masih lagi kurang jelas tentang perkara ini, anda boleh meminta bantuan daripada mereka di syarikat printing untuk membantu anda. Semoga anda akan mendapatkan design topi yang memuaskan hati.

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Keep on evolving in business world. What are the tips?

Keep on evolving in business world. What are the tips?

Sure, you have your own business, your products and the sales has its up and down but how you maintain the sale? How you want to keep on evolving in the business world? Good questions! Well for every entrepreneur, you need to think ahead before anyone else to make sure your business keeps on changing and follow the trends. Thus, actually there are the tips for your business to keep on evolving in the business world. Let us check them one by one.

Of course, be nimble is all you need to do in your business. Thus, by being nimble meaning that you need to be quick, light, or agile in movement or action. Of course, at the same time you need to be clever and acute in devising or understanding the decision that you do in the business. With this method, you need to work faster and think wisely on your own will help you to provide your employees with the best direction and lead. This actually helps you to keep on evolving in the business world. For example, if you notice that competitors have duplicate your original ideas and are pushing for new and improved versions, be aware of that fact and pivot your business. You need to come out with the “counter attack” strategies to provide something even better.

From the other perspectives, the next tips will be that you need to think ahead in business. of course, you need to be prepared for what will happen in future. Yes, by anticipating the changes in your industry and at the same time conducting research and do some readings will help you to analyse the market demanding or the market changes. You can subscribe to important industry newsletters, collect quarterly reports and listen to what others are saying. With this, if the things always change, the more you predict the future, the better preparation you will have in the business and secure it. Keep in your mind that once you move the steps with the forecasts in your industry, make sure your products or developments are staying ahead of industry advancements.

Other than that, as a leader, you need to set up your mind and keep your goal on the track. Of course, be alert for any changes or decision that you did because this can be a direction of your goal.  You need to consider which ways will benefit your end goal. All you need to do is to ensure that while you evolve, you keep in mind that "smart" decisions are those that will help you reach your goals.
Be it in a business and as a leader, you need to create a team or a “helper” who will stand together with you. It is important to not only to be a strong leader in a fast-moving industry, but to also to have a strong team. A team with different abilities and skills will eventually secure your business in evolution process. Thus, you as the leader will be able to “block” and tackle multiple projects and to glean smart insight from your employees. Yes, be a leader that be surrounded by people who push you to think differently, who bring a new point of view to the table and who elevate your leadership.

To sum up, these tips are needed as you need to keep on change in the business for good reasons. One of the reasons is that to expanding your business beyond your expectation. Think big and do more efforts!

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Fonts for the T shirt printing.

Yes, there are different types of font that are suitable for printing on the t shirt. Of course, not all of the fonts are suitable for the t shirt printing. Thus, it is necessary for the clients to know which are the suitable fonts for the t shirt printing. Of course, for the t-shirt designer, choosing the right fonts on your t shirt will make it looks stunning and beautiful. So, here are the fonts that are suitable for the t shirt printing.

First one is Snacker. This font is simple, sans-serif typeface that looks very eye catching on a T-shirt. The rounded edges of the font soften the text a little, while the wide spacing makes the words easy to read. Of course there are 5 variations of snicker’s type so you can choose which one is best suit your design.

The second type of font is known as, Nomad type. This font is suitable for those who loves adventures or a long journey and vacation. Yes, show your adventurous side with Nomad. It is quite rough font but still, it is very clear on t shirt. You can show your fun in hand-painted style. For the adventurous individual, Nomad is a fantastic font for appealing you.

The third one is Fast type font. This font is totally suitable for those who is fun and friendly. It is a combination of bold graphics and bright colors. The purpose of having this design is obviously to create a shirt that quickly grabs attention and holds it. Indeed, Fast is still easy to read and it can appear on the t shirt perfectly.

People are still looking for the trace of vintage if they are a vintage lover. Yes, there are the font that best suit the vintage lover. It is known as Rustal Typo.   It has a vintage edge and yet is still casual enough to use on a T-shirt with wide appeal.  Rustal Typo is a rustic font that works fantastically well on unique custom T-shirts. With the slightly faded letters will enhance your T-shirt design and of course, it can attract craft-loving customers to buy.

If you are the floral lover design and you want the floral on your t shirt, there is one font that best suit it.  Beauty Amira is the floral font that best suit your floral design. It is a distinctive floral font with large curved tails on many of the letters. On top of it, this is an extremely elegant font which not only available for T-shirts but for all the digital products. 

To conclude it, other than these top five fonts, there are a lot of fonts that suitable to your designs and colours on your t shirt. All you have to do is, to choose the fonts correctly with your design on the t shirt.

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Express yourself through your t shirt!

Well, there are a lot of ways to express yourself publicly this nowadays. Of course, other than having tattoos or through the arts which can be the way to express yourself, wearing the t shirt can be the way to show your idealism, your identity and of course your thinking. There is significant meaning behind each design that you choose for your t shirt printing.

Of course, if you choose to write idioms on your t shirt, meaning that you want others to understand what you want or what you are thinking through the idioms that printed on your t shirt. Of course, this will show what is your beliefs and faiths thus indirectly will represent your ideology beyond the idioms or those words.

Other than that, if you choose to print the logos of the musician group, it will show what genre of music you prefer. Yes, we have different genres of music that we love to hear, but with the logos or brand that printed on your t shirt will show one of your favourite. That is why, printed t shirt is like your second identification.

Floral or the vintage design on your printed t shirt will show that you are somehow a nature lover or someone who prefer serenity. The design itself will resemble your character and the same time, it will portray your attitude. So, be careful to choose the designs of floral and vintage style, people!
Yes, if you choose the design of black background with the unique pictures on your printed t shirt, it will show the type of your soul like someone who loves to live in “shut in” or someone who loves to be free or enjoy the freedom or someone who is Yankee. All of this will be portray by the design what you will choose for your printed t shirt.

To sum up the story, the printed t shirt is like your second personality. It is because, it can show who you are or what is your thinking just through the designs that you will choose. So, people, be careful with the design that you prefer!
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What is RGB model colors?

To begin with, what is meant by RGB model colors? The RGB colour model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green and blue.

To form a color with RGB, three light beams (one red, one green and one blue) must be superimposed (for example by emission from a black screen or by reflection from a white screen).

Everything has its own purposes. Well, the purpose of using RGB model color is  actually for the sensing, representation and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it has also been used in conventional photography. Before the electronic age, the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based in human perception of colours.

RGB model colours are usually used in photography, television and personal computers. Indeed, this model can be used in the t shirt printing together with CMYK model colors. However, to use this model colours must be depended on the devices that be used. The devices such as RGB and displays, video electronics, video frame buffer and etc are necessary to use this RGB model colors. 

Now, you do understand what is the RGB colour, right?

Sources: Wikipedia