Showing posts with label printing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printing. Show all posts

Ways to attract your clients in t shirt printing Industry.

Of course, customers or clients are everything that you need in your business. Without them, how can your business “work”? Well, other than have the soft skill communication, actually there are a lot of ways to attract the customers or the clients to buy your products. This is necessary especially in the t shirt printing industry.
The first step is of course knowing your clients. It means that you need to understand the religion or the culture practices of your clients. Of course, if you need to design the t shirt, you need to avoid the racism or something that is inappropriate for the client’s religion. For example, for Malay who is Muslim, is prohibited to wear anything that resembles other religion be it the t shirt. So, it is necessary to consider your clients’ practices in a deal.
Other than that, when you are dealing with your clients, you need to be knowledgeable about your business. it is because, it is easy for you to answer the questions by your customers and clients regarding your business. With this, it will ensure your customers that your company or your business is trust able.
Indeed, think yourself to find an answer in dealing with the customers. It is because, if you give your potential clients a good reason to try your services, this will be your first step into making them a loyal customer tp your company. As suggested by Jason Reis, the owner and lead programmer for Flehx Corp. said that “Provide value and establish yourself as having an in-depth understanding of the problems they are looking to solve. This takes the form of creating content via webinars, blog posts, guest blogging, and getting out there and physically networking with people. From all this you will start to attract a following, and as long as you have a structured sales funnel setup, you will be able to convert the followers/fans into paying customers.”
Keep in mind to “trace” where your customers come from. It is not about the location or the place that is needed but with your targeted customers in mind, “identify those places where they are likely to be found (media, online, offline, mail, etc.), and then create messages for them,” says Jeff Motter, CEO and chief marketing officer of East Bay Marketing Group. This is because, if you look for customers, it will depend on the nature of your business. Some good online locations include forums and social media pages, including your own and those of similar or complementary businesses. When it comes offline, you can meet plenty of potential customers at conferences and conventions in your industry.
To sum up, in the printing business, it is necessary for the manager to know how to attract your customers so that it will build your business from time by time.

3 reasons that need to be considered before proceed with DTG Printing!

Just like other printings, the DTG technique also has its own disadvantages. Even though, the result is so amazingly beautiful however there are many factors that need to be considered before you as the user decided to proceed with DTG printing. As the points will be elaborated clearly, please take note and keep in mind before proceed you decided to choose the DTG Printing.

Okay, keep in mind that this type of printing is quite sensitive. I repeat, SENSITIVE! Yes, you need to consider the temperature changes where you will do the DTG Printing even though it is a closed room. This is because, the ink that will be used in DTG Printing are VERY SENSITIVE to the changes of temperature. For example, if the temperature in that  room is hot and warm, this will cause the ink to dry quickly. So, you have to make sure that the room where that printing will take place is comfortable and has a suitable temperature.

Other than that, the equipment for this type of printing is quite EXPENSIVE! WOW!Honestly, this is quite risky for those who just a starter in this printing business to buy the equipment for DTG Printing. By the logical opinion, it is obvious that  you will never print in a big quantity as the customer will definitely choose the printing that is more cheap for them. So, you need to see the marketing request for this type of printing before you buy all those equipment for DTG Printing. This will help you to avoid the wasting for this type of printing.

Of course, you should know that DTG printing require a LONG TIME to complete a printing. Just imagine how many time you need to print for hundred of T shirts? Not to mention that the background colour for T shirt also play the important role in DTG Printing. This is because, for a white t shirt, it will be around 20 to 50 T shirts to print for an hour however, for black color T shirts, it will take only 8 to 20 T shirts to ptint. So, be wise to choose the type pf printing that will make save up” your time.

So, be wise to choose the printing that will “help” you in many ways. Do a research about your place whether the customers prefer DTG printing type pf not so that your investments in this business will be worth.
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How to print the design or text on the hat?

Hat is off! Voila! Well. Hat is important in the fashion. It is a must-complete-suit that will make your day perfect. Hat can be worn by women, men and even children. It is a fashion that transcend through the time. So, the design on the hat must be looking good and fantastic! But, hey. There will always the problems about designing the hat. For example, what kind of embroidery that fit the hat? Or just print the logo on the hat? Or just the text as the design? What the colour of the hat that match well or blend together? Or perhaps the blocking colour will look good too? These questions are the main foundational of the problems. However, ladies and gentlemen. Rest assured as we will point out the tips to help you to “create” your own perfect hat! Bear in mind that you should learn a little bit about embroidery and printing techniques that will make your hat looks…perfect… fantastic… and fabulous.

First, embroidery is popular to be used as one of the designs on the hat. It will look more stunning and you do not need to waste your money on this design. It is because, to do a perfect embroidery, you just need to use different colours for the thread to create the designs or your texts on your hat. So, if you want a simple design yet need a lot of colour variety, embroidery is a perfect way to design your hat.

Second, Printing especially screen printing is necessary as one of the techniques to create the designs or texts on the hat. However, not all hat can use this technique. It is because, this screen printing is more suitable to be used on the hat’s surface that doesn’t has centre seam such as soldier hat. That is the reason why this screen printing is not quite popular to be used to design the hat.

Third, transfer printing is one of the ways to design the printing. This technique is quite easy to be applied on the hat because of the printing will be print on the special paper before being pasted on the hat. However, as easy it is to do the printing, it is also easily washed off. The design is not long lasting at all. On the same page with screen printing, this type of printing is more suitable to be used on the hat’s surface that  doesn’t has centre seam.

All these techniques or methods are necessary to be learnt as you can decide what kind of designs you want to use on the hat. Also, if you do not understand about this kind of methods and techniques, feel free to ask the designer in the company printing to assist you in getting the custom made hat. Hasta da Lavista!

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Hydrographic Printing. What is that?

Well, have you ever heard about this word "hydrographic" in the printing world? Well, as its name appears as what it means, htdrographic is a methid of applying printed designs to three dimensional surfaces. It is also known as water heat transfer printing. the Hydrographic process can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hard woods and various other materials. There is the history about hydrographic printing. the first hydrographic apparatus was registered for US patent by Motoyasu Nakanish of Kabushiki Kaisha Cubic Engineering on July 26 in 1982.

Indeed, the water transfer printing process is extensively used to decorate items that range from entire all-terrain vehicles and car dashboards and even to small items such as bike, helmets or other automative trim. For your information, believe it or not that if an item that be dipped in the water where it can be painted by using traditional techniques then the hydrographic printing process can be used together with it. 

In the process, the method of printing is using a special paper that is known as waterslide decal paper. In another words, it means that it is like "applying" the sticker on the desired product. This paper is quite thin compare to the common sticker. So, the result will prove that this waterslide decal paper is better than a normal sticker.

Yes, this method is cheaper that heat press technique. You want to know why? it is because, this technique does not requireany use of heat stress or heat press. All you have to do is to buy a decal paper, then you can print whatever your desired designs, pictures and calligraphy by using inkjet or laser printer  and later on, attach it directly on the product. Also, the last step you need to do is to dry it just by using a hairdryer! See! As simple as that where you can even fill your free time or do it at home as your side income!

Oh, there is one fact left about hydrographic printing. Is it can be repainted on the same product or surface? the answer is YES! whether you dont like the designs or you want to have another new design on the sae surface, all you have to do just sanded those unwanted designs by using sand paper gently and painted it again. There you go! the piece is ready again for the same printing process.

Well. This is all you need to know about the hydrographic printing. Embrace yourself with this fun indoor activity, people.
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4 faiths in business. What are they?

Your business is growing and expanding beyond your expectations. Congratulations! You are a good leader now than before when you are just a starter in the business world. But, always remember to be humble and not just to “look up” all the time. However, some young entrepreneurs are quickly to change their faiths and attitudes once they have all the glory and success business. This is what the taboo that an entrepreneur should not do.
The most important faith is to be humble in the business all the time. Yes, you got praises for your successfulness and everyone look up at you but, never ever talk big or be boastful of it. Always keep in your mind that there is someone who is better than you in the business. This is to avoid you from looking down at everyone or to those who just start their business. Remember, you are also start with a “starter”. Even so, you can be humble by sharing your experience and tips to those young entrepreneurs and always remind them to be “humble” in business. If you show them a good role model, they will surely follow your lead!

Of course, sharing is caring is one of the faith in business. Sharing here meaning that you are voluntarily to share whatever your tips and opinions in business. For those young entrepreneurs and starter might seek for your advices to help them to handle the business. You need to keep in your mind that if you help other people, someday other people will help you back and of course, God will give you the helping hand in the way you will never expect it. Believe it or not, the successful business man is someone who is not “stingy” about the knowledge and experience.
Honestly, you need to think that there is someone better than you in the business world. If you have this kind of thinking, rest assure that you are not a snobbish person in this entrepreneur world. Sometimes, you can always learn from someone even though you are a successful person itself. We don’t know what other people might think or what is their opinion. But you can always ask from them and believe it, an intelligent person is always asking compare to the idiot who will always stay silent.  So, if you think that there is someone who is better than you, you can always ask for the advice and opinions as well.

Never give up is faith that you as the entrepreneur must hold in business world. Of course, you might have ups and downs in business but what doesn’t kill you make you stronger. You need to get up or build from scratch but never ever give up at all when you are facing those hurdles and problems. Sometimes, you might break down but after you done with those regrets and hatred, stand up back and fight! To be an entrepreneur meaning that you must not give up at all.

As for the conclusion, if you hold on to these faiths, you will never stray from your path and you will always stay firm with what you want in your business. Stay strong!
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Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, sudah menjadi trend dinegara kita untuk memberikan cenderahati kepada tetamu didalam sesuatu acara tidak kiralah acara korporat ataupun keraian seperti majlis perkahwinan. Hari ini, kami ingin bercerita tentang salah satu teknik cetakan souvenir yang murah iaitu waterslide atau water transfer.

Jadi, apa itu waterslide atau water transfer? Ia merupakan satu kaedah cetakan yang menggunakan kertas khas iaitu waterslide decal paper. Dalam bahasa mudah ia seperti melekatkan sticker ke atas produk yang dikehendaki. Bezanya waterslide paper ini lebih nipis berbanding sticker. Jadi hasilnya akan nampak lebih berkualiti berbanding sticker.
Berbanding dengan kaedah heat transfer, kaedah waterslide ini lebih murah. Kenapa? Kerana teknik ini tidak memerlukan penggunaan sebarang mesin tekanan haba atau heat press. Kertas decal yang telah dicetak menggunakan printer inkjet atau laser akan dilekatkan terus ke atas produk. Kemudian keringkan dengan hairdryer sahaja.

Tentu anda juga hendak tahu adakah teknik ini boleh digunakan kepada semua jenis produk atau tidak bukan? Inilah salah satu kelebihan kaedah waterslide. Ia boleh digunakan ke atas pelbagai bentuk permukaan tak kira berlekuk atau rata. Gambar anda yang dicetak boleh di transfer kepada pelbagai produk seperti, lilin, pinggan, mug, helmet dan sebagainya lagi.
Sebenarnya terdapat pelbagai lagi produk kreatif yang boleh dihasilkan menggunakan kaedah cetakan waterslide ini. Jadi mungkin sekarang anda boleh merancang design apa yang anda mahukan serta produk apa yang bakal anda cetak itu. Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat kepada anda.

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Dalam bidang percetakan terdapat beberapa jenis dakwat atau ink. Setiap satunya pasti berbeza dan mempunyai kelebihan serta fungsinya yang tersendiri. Jika anda berminat dalam bidang ini, anda wajib untuk mengetahui perbezaan setiap jenis ink ini.

Dakwat jenis dye ink amat biasa digunakan untuk mesin printer biasa di rumah anda dan juga kilang percetakan kertas. Warnanya juga lebih cerah kerana saiz molekul yang kecil, membolehkannya mengalir dengan lebih baik. Jadi hasil cetakan juga akan lebih menarik. Ia sangat disyorkan dalam penghasilsan foto  kertas, kad PVC dan lain-lain lagi. Ia juga amat sesuai digunakan untuk cetakan hiasan dalaman sahaja kerana kurang tahan.
Dakwat pigment pula lebih mahal daripada dye ink. Tetapi keistimewaannya ia tahan lebih lama. Partikel zarahnya yang lebih kecil menghasilkan corak warna yang lebih halus. Bagi mereka yang ingin mencetak t-shirt, dakwat jenis ini amat disyorkan kepada anda kerana dakwat ini juga kalis air. Untuk mencetak t-shirt, gunakan bersama dengan ‘transfer paper’.
Bagi dakwat jenis sublimation ink pula, ia selalunya digunakan dalam pencetakan fabric, seramik dan sebagainya. Menggunakan kaedah tekanan haba,  warna dari kertas cetakan ink ini akan dipindahkan ke atas produk yang diingini dengan menggunakan mesin khas iaitu mesin heat press. Hasil cetakannya lebih kemas dan tahan lama.
Eco solvent ink pula bukan berasaskan air. Ia lebih cepat kering selepas dicetak. Jadi amat sesuai untuk menghasilkan banner, kain rentang dan sebagainya. Sifatnya yang cepat kering serta tahan dari sinaran matahari dan air membuatkan ia sering digunakan di kawasan luar bangunan seperti papan tanda, papan iklan dan sebagainya.
Yang terakhir ialah rubber ink. Bagi yang menjalankan perniagaan cetakan t-shirt, pasti familiar dengan penggunaannya. Ia selalu digunakan dalam proses silk screen printing. Ink jenis ini juga tidak memerlukan masa yang lama untuk mongering.

Sebelum memasuki bidang percetakan, pastikan anda memahami terlebih dahulu tentang jenis-jenis dakwat ini. Ini bagi memastikan cetakan anda nanti cantik serta berkualiti. Barulah pelanggan akan kembali untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan anda.
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Bagi anda yang tidak pernah menjalankan bisnes printing ataupun menempah produk cetakanm pasti anda tertanya-tanya apa itu mesin heat press atau dalam bahasa melayunya mesin tekanan haba. Jika anda ingin menjalankan perniagaan berasaskan cetakan, anda perlu mengetahui serba sedikit tentang kegunaan serta fungsi mesin ini.

Heat press machine merupakan salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk mencetak grafik ataupun corak pada sesuatu produk. Ia berfungsi melalui 2 elemen paling utama iaitu kepanasan dan juga tekanan. 2 elemen tersebut boleh diselaraskan semula mengikut kesesuaian produk yang hendak dicetak itu.
Mesin ini popular digunakan dalam percetakan t-shirt kerana lebih mudah untuk dikendalikan serta mempercepatkan kerja percetakan. Tetapi, pelbagai produk lain juga masih boleh dicetak menggunakan mesin ini seperti mug, plate, cap dan sebagainya. Semuanya bergantung kepada jenis mesin yang anda gunakan itu.
Mesin ini juga terbahagi kepada dua jenis iaitu jenis manual dan juga automatik. Terkini, terdapat juga mesin heat press serbaguna yang boleh mencetak design di atas pelbagai permukaan seperti diatas mouse pad, kaca dan juga seramik. Mesin ini juga amat mudah untuk dikendalikan. Anda hanya perlu mengikut panduan yang diberikan didalam manual sahaja.
Dipasaran juga terdapat pelbagai pilihan mesin tekanan haba ini. Antara yang popular ialah mesin Mug press, Cap press, plate press dan juga flat press. Seperti namanya juga, mesin ini digunakan ke atas permukaan tertentu. Contohnya, mug press digunakan ke atas mug, water flask dan sebagainya. Mesin cap press pula untuk mencetak topi. Jadi jika anda ingin membeli sesebuah mesin itu, anda harus tentukan produk yang ingin anda cetak itu.

Disebabkan penggunaannya yang sangat mudah, ramai yang cuba menjalankan bisnes cetakan secara kecil-kecilan dar rumah. Bisnes ini boleh dijalankan secara online ataupun offline. Modal yang perlu dikeluarkan tidak begitu besar tetapi hasilnya sangat lumayan. Bagi anda yang berminat dalam bisnes ini, bolehlah mula survey mesin heat press yang anda mahukan dari laman web kami.

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Industri percetakan di Malaysia semakin berkembang dari hari ke hari. Salah satu sebab utama adalah kerana modal perniagaan yang sangat rendah tetapi pulangan keuntungan yang tinggi. Dalam perniagaan hadiah dan cenderamata pula, teknik percetakan heat transfer sangat popular. Kali ini kami ingin memberikan informasi ringkas mengenai jenis-jenis cetakan heat transfer.

Teknik pertama yang popular ialah teknik cetakan pemejalwapan atau lebih dikenali sebagai sublimation. Teknik ini lebih sesuai digunakan ke atas fabrik seperti microfiber, dry fit, polister, jersi serta t-shirt biasa. Boleh juga digunakan ke atas produk seramik seperti mug dan juga pinggan. Anda memerlukan dakwat jenis dye-sublimation serta sublimation paper jika ingin menggunakan kaedah cetakan jenis ini.
Teknik cetakan kedua pula ialah heat transfer yang menggunakan pigment ink dan juga transfer paper. Transfer paper ini pula terdiri daripada 2 jenis iaitu satu berwarna gelap dan satu lagi berwarna cerah. Jika anda ingin mencetak ke atas fabrik yang berwarna cerah, lebih baik jika anda gunakan dark based transfer paper dan begitulah sebaliknya Ia lebih sesuai digunakan ke atas fabrik cotton, polister dan juga topi dan sebaganya dalam pelbagai pilihan warna. Ini semua bergantung kepada warna fabrik tersebut.
Kaedah terakhir pula ialah cetakan vinyl. Kaedah ini lain sedikit dari dua kaedah yang telah disebutkan diatas. Untuk teknik ini, hanya satu warna sahaja yang boleh digunakan pada satu-satu masa. Untuk cetakan jenis ini, anda memerlukan mesin cutting plotter untuk memotong gambar atau corak yang anda mahukan itu. Anda juga memerlukan perisian software khas. Apabila proses pemotongan ini selesai, barulah imej tersebut imej tersebut dapat dipanaskan lalu ditransfer ke atas fabrik.

Bagaimana? Sudah faham mengenai perbezaan antara kesemua jenis cetakan heat transfer? Diharapkan penjelasan secara ringkas diatas memberi sedikit pencerahan kepada anda. Jika anda tidak faham juga, anda boleh berhubung terus dengan mereka yang lebih arif dalam bidang ini.
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Fonts for the T shirt printing.

Yes, there are different types of font that are suitable for printing on the t shirt. Of course, not all of the fonts are suitable for the t shirt printing. Thus, it is necessary for the clients to know which are the suitable fonts for the t shirt printing. Of course, for the t-shirt designer, choosing the right fonts on your t shirt will make it looks stunning and beautiful. So, here are the fonts that are suitable for the t shirt printing.

First one is Snacker. This font is simple, sans-serif typeface that looks very eye catching on a T-shirt. The rounded edges of the font soften the text a little, while the wide spacing makes the words easy to read. Of course there are 5 variations of snicker’s type so you can choose which one is best suit your design.

The second type of font is known as, Nomad type. This font is suitable for those who loves adventures or a long journey and vacation. Yes, show your adventurous side with Nomad. It is quite rough font but still, it is very clear on t shirt. You can show your fun in hand-painted style. For the adventurous individual, Nomad is a fantastic font for appealing you.

The third one is Fast type font. This font is totally suitable for those who is fun and friendly. It is a combination of bold graphics and bright colors. The purpose of having this design is obviously to create a shirt that quickly grabs attention and holds it. Indeed, Fast is still easy to read and it can appear on the t shirt perfectly.

People are still looking for the trace of vintage if they are a vintage lover. Yes, there are the font that best suit the vintage lover. It is known as Rustal Typo.   It has a vintage edge and yet is still casual enough to use on a T-shirt with wide appeal.  Rustal Typo is a rustic font that works fantastically well on unique custom T-shirts. With the slightly faded letters will enhance your T-shirt design and of course, it can attract craft-loving customers to buy.

If you are the floral lover design and you want the floral on your t shirt, there is one font that best suit it.  Beauty Amira is the floral font that best suit your floral design. It is a distinctive floral font with large curved tails on many of the letters. On top of it, this is an extremely elegant font which not only available for T-shirts but for all the digital products. 

To conclude it, other than these top five fonts, there are a lot of fonts that suitable to your designs and colours on your t shirt. All you have to do is, to choose the fonts correctly with your design on the t shirt.

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What is CMYK?

Well, this is a good starter to understand how the printing works on the t shirt. For the people like us who do not know anything about the printing world, this is the first step to embark the “journey” into the world of t shirt printing. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing which is known as cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black).

The CMYK color model is also known as process color which consists of those four color. CMYK is a subtractive color model and indeed be used in widely in color printing and also used to describe the printing process itself. The CMYK model works by partially or entirely masking colors on a lighter, usually white, background. The ink reduces the light that would otherwise be reflected. Such a model is called subtractive because inks "subtract" brightness from white.

There is one process that involved in the CMYK model. The first one is known as haftoning process. Of course with CMYK printing, halftoning (also called screening) allows for less than full saturation of the primary colours. The tiny dots of each primary colour are printed in a pattern small enough that human beings perceive a solid colour. Magenta printed with a 20% halftone, for example, produces a pink colour, because the eye perceives the tiny magenta dots on the large white paper as lighter and less saturated than the colour of pure magenta ink. Without halftoning, the three primary process colours could be printed only as solid blocks of colour, and therefore could produce only seven colours: the three primaries themselves, plus three secondary colours produced by layering two of the primaries: cyan and yellow produce green, cyan and magenta produce blue, yellow and magenta produce red (these subtractive secondary colours correspond roughly to the additive primary colours plus layering all three of them resulting in black.  Thus by using halftoning, a full continuous range of colours can be produced.

To improve print quality and reduce moiré patterns, the screen for each colour is set at a different angle. While the angles depend on how many colours are used and the preference of the press operator, typical CMYK process printing uses any of the following screen angles.

To sum up, this model is actually necessary for the t shirt printing. With this model as the reference, the combination colour for the t shirt printing can be produced widely.
Souce: Wikipedia
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The use of cotton in t shirt industry.

Cotton fibre can be woven or knitted into fabrics such as velvet, corduroy, chambray, velour, jersey and flannel.  In addition to textile products like underwear, socks and t-shirts, cotton is also used in fishnets, coffee filters, book binding and archival paper.  Cotton is a food and a fibre crop.  Cotton seed is fed to cattle and crushed to make oil.  This cottonseed oil is used for cooking and in products like soap, margarine, emulsifiers, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics.

Malaysia has such a warm weather. It could be hot and it could be cold. So, in this situation, materials for daily wear is important as it could make us, the wearer to be in comfortable. Thus, cotton is considered the most suitable material to make daily wear especially the t shirt. To begin with, of course cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fibre that grows in a boll, or protective case, around the seeds of cotton plants of the genus Gossypium in the family of Malvaceae. The fiber is almost pure cellulose. That is the reason why it is suitable for people who lives in the warm weather like Malaysia.

Of course, there are the history behind the cotton manufacturing. The use of cotton for fabric is known to date to prehistoric times; fragments of cotton fabric dated from 5000 BC have been excavated in Mexico and the Indus Valley Civilization in Indian subcontinent between 6000 BC and 5000 BC. Although cultivated since antiquity, it was the invention of the cotton gin that lowered the cost of production that led to its widespread use, and it is the most widely used natural fiber cloth in clothing today.

Indeed, the cotton itself has many benefits. Cotton fibre can be woven or knitted into fabrics such as velvet, corduroy, chambray, velour, jersey and flannel.  In addition to textile products like underwear, socks and t-shirts, cotton is also used in fishnets, coffee filters, book binding and archival paper.  Cotton is a food AND a fibre crop.  Cotton seed is fed to cattle and crushed to make oil.  This cottonseed oil is used for cooking and in products like soap, margarine, emulsifiers, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics.

The uses of cotton as t shirt material is that it can be a good sweat absorber. Whenever the wearer becomes sweat or perspired, the cotton material will absorb the sweat and allow the wind to cool down the wearer’s body. This will avoid the wearer from feeling hot and avoid from getting heat stroke especially in the drought season in Malaysia. That is why, the cotton material always be the first choice in the t shirt industry.

Other than that, since Malaysia is a country with warm climate, it is suitable to grow the cotton plant in here. Thus, despite of its rapid growth, the cotton is easy available and the labour or the cost is cheap compared to the other material. Of course, with its high demand from the customer, that is the reason why the t shirt manufacturer will choose the cotton as their first choice to produce a lot of t shirts.

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Kepada mereka diluar sana yang ingin menjalankan perniagaan printing, adalah sangat penting untuk anda mengetahui serba sedikit tentang jenis-jenis pencetak yang ada dipasaran. Ini bagi memastikan foto atau grafik yang dicetak itu adalah berkualiti sepadan dengan harga yang ditawarkan kepada pembeli.

Jenis yang pertama ialah pencetak laser. Ini adalah satu satu pencetak yang sering digunakan untuk mencetak cenderahati seperti mug, plate dan sebagainya. Pencetak jenis ini lebih mahal berbanding pencetak yang lain kerana kualitinya yang hebat. Pencetak yang menggunakan toner cartridge untuk mencetak ini, dapat mencetak lebih laju daripada pencetak dari jenis inkjet. Walaupun menggunakan toner cartridge, tetapi ia juga dapat memberikan kos penjimatan yang lebih kerana tahan lama walaupun beribu-ribu halaman telah dicetak.
Pencetak inkjet juga popular dalam industri t-shirt printing dan cenderahati. Harga mesin pencetak ini bersama tonernya juga lebih murah. Kebiasaannya, pencetak jenis ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan cetakkan dalam skala yang lebih kecil. Kertas dicetak dengan cara menyemburkan titisan dakwat mikroskopik di atas helaian kertas. Antara kelebihan printer jenis ini adalah ia boleh mencetak kertas yang besar. Tetapi kos operasinya mungkin lebih tinggi dan masa mencetak lebih panjang.
Yang ketiga ialah pencetak foto. Fungsi utamanya pula tentulah untuk mencetak gambar. Selalunya mesin ini dapat dilihat di kedai-kedai gambar ataupun “photobooth”. Sesuai dengan peredaran zaman, mesin ini boleh mencetak gambar daripada memory card telefon pintar, kamera digital mahupun komputer. Saiz pencetak boleh adalah antara 4x6 inci hingga ke 5x7 inci.
Mesin pencetak keempat pula ialah pencetak terma. Harganya lebih mahal berbanding pencetak lain. Mesin pencetak ini lain sedikit dari yang lain. Turut digelar pencetak haba, ia berfungsi apabila suhu meningkat pada kertas reaktif. Jadi kertas akan bertukar warna apabila terdapat tindak balas haba. Oleh itu, tiada pengguna dakwat dalam proses pencetakan.

Dan yang terakhir ialah pencetak pelbagai fungsi. Ia lebih sesuai digunakan dalam persekitaran korporat. Ia bukan sahaja dapat mencetak, tetapi juga dapat mengimbas, menyalin serta menghantar faks. Disebabkan mesin ini boleh menjalankan pelbagai fungsi, saiznya juga lebih besar. Harganya juga semestinya lebih mahal.
Sebenarnya terdapat pelbagai lagi pencetak yang terdapat dipasaran. Jika anda berniat untuk memiliki sesebuah pencetak tidak kiralah untuk tujuan perniagaan atau peribadi, anda perlulah memikirkan keperluan yang anda inginkan dari sesebuah pencetak. Jadi anda tidaklah tersalah beli nanti.

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Express yourself through your t shirt!

Well, there are a lot of ways to express yourself publicly this nowadays. Of course, other than having tattoos or through the arts which can be the way to express yourself, wearing the t shirt can be the way to show your idealism, your identity and of course your thinking. There is significant meaning behind each design that you choose for your t shirt printing.

Of course, if you choose to write idioms on your t shirt, meaning that you want others to understand what you want or what you are thinking through the idioms that printed on your t shirt. Of course, this will show what is your beliefs and faiths thus indirectly will represent your ideology beyond the idioms or those words.

Other than that, if you choose to print the logos of the musician group, it will show what genre of music you prefer. Yes, we have different genres of music that we love to hear, but with the logos or brand that printed on your t shirt will show one of your favourite. That is why, printed t shirt is like your second identification.

Floral or the vintage design on your printed t shirt will show that you are somehow a nature lover or someone who prefer serenity. The design itself will resemble your character and the same time, it will portray your attitude. So, be careful to choose the designs of floral and vintage style, people!
Yes, if you choose the design of black background with the unique pictures on your printed t shirt, it will show the type of your soul like someone who loves to live in “shut in” or someone who loves to be free or enjoy the freedom or someone who is Yankee. All of this will be portray by the design what you will choose for your printed t shirt.

To sum up the story, the printed t shirt is like your second personality. It is because, it can show who you are or what is your thinking just through the designs that you will choose. So, people, be careful with the design that you prefer!
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What is RGB model colors?

To begin with, what is meant by RGB model colors? The RGB colour model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green and blue.

To form a color with RGB, three light beams (one red, one green and one blue) must be superimposed (for example by emission from a black screen or by reflection from a white screen).

Everything has its own purposes. Well, the purpose of using RGB model color is  actually for the sensing, representation and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it has also been used in conventional photography. Before the electronic age, the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based in human perception of colours.

RGB model colours are usually used in photography, television and personal computers. Indeed, this model can be used in the t shirt printing together with CMYK model colors. However, to use this model colours must be depended on the devices that be used. The devices such as RGB and displays, video electronics, video frame buffer and etc are necessary to use this RGB model colors. 

Now, you do understand what is the RGB colour, right?

Sources: Wikipedia