3 reasons that need to be considered before proceed with DTG Printing!

Just like other printings, the DTG technique also has its own disadvantages. Even though, the result is so amazingly beautiful however there are many factors that need to be considered before you as the user decided to proceed with DTG printing. As the points will be elaborated clearly, please take note and keep in mind before proceed you decided to choose the DTG Printing.

Okay, keep in mind that this type of printing is quite sensitive. I repeat, SENSITIVE! Yes, you need to consider the temperature changes where you will do the DTG Printing even though it is a closed room. This is because, the ink that will be used in DTG Printing are VERY SENSITIVE to the changes of temperature. For example, if the temperature in that  room is hot and warm, this will cause the ink to dry quickly. So, you have to make sure that the room where that printing will take place is comfortable and has a suitable temperature.

Other than that, the equipment for this type of printing is quite EXPENSIVE! WOW!Honestly, this is quite risky for those who just a starter in this printing business to buy the equipment for DTG Printing. By the logical opinion, it is obvious that  you will never print in a big quantity as the customer will definitely choose the printing that is more cheap for them. So, you need to see the marketing request for this type of printing before you buy all those equipment for DTG Printing. This will help you to avoid the wasting for this type of printing.

Of course, you should know that DTG printing require a LONG TIME to complete a printing. Just imagine how many time you need to print for hundred of T shirts? Not to mention that the background colour for T shirt also play the important role in DTG Printing. This is because, for a white t shirt, it will be around 20 to 50 T shirts to print for an hour however, for black color T shirts, it will take only 8 to 20 T shirts to ptint. So, be wise to choose the type pf printing that will make save up” your time.

So, be wise to choose the printing that will “help” you in many ways. Do a research about your place whether the customers prefer DTG printing type pf not so that your investments in this business will be worth.
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