Showing posts with label topi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label topi. Show all posts

How to print the design or text on the hat?

Hat is off! Voila! Well. Hat is important in the fashion. It is a must-complete-suit that will make your day perfect. Hat can be worn by women, men and even children. It is a fashion that transcend through the time. So, the design on the hat must be looking good and fantastic! But, hey. There will always the problems about designing the hat. For example, what kind of embroidery that fit the hat? Or just print the logo on the hat? Or just the text as the design? What the colour of the hat that match well or blend together? Or perhaps the blocking colour will look good too? These questions are the main foundational of the problems. However, ladies and gentlemen. Rest assured as we will point out the tips to help you to “create” your own perfect hat! Bear in mind that you should learn a little bit about embroidery and printing techniques that will make your hat looks…perfect… fantastic… and fabulous.

First, embroidery is popular to be used as one of the designs on the hat. It will look more stunning and you do not need to waste your money on this design. It is because, to do a perfect embroidery, you just need to use different colours for the thread to create the designs or your texts on your hat. So, if you want a simple design yet need a lot of colour variety, embroidery is a perfect way to design your hat.

Second, Printing especially screen printing is necessary as one of the techniques to create the designs or texts on the hat. However, not all hat can use this technique. It is because, this screen printing is more suitable to be used on the hat’s surface that doesn’t has centre seam such as soldier hat. That is the reason why this screen printing is not quite popular to be used to design the hat.

Third, transfer printing is one of the ways to design the printing. This technique is quite easy to be applied on the hat because of the printing will be print on the special paper before being pasted on the hat. However, as easy it is to do the printing, it is also easily washed off. The design is not long lasting at all. On the same page with screen printing, this type of printing is more suitable to be used on the hat’s surface that  doesn’t has centre seam.

All these techniques or methods are necessary to be learnt as you can decide what kind of designs you want to use on the hat. Also, if you do not understand about this kind of methods and techniques, feel free to ask the designer in the company printing to assist you in getting the custom made hat. Hasta da Lavista!

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Kadang-kadang, untuk mencetak sebuah topi pun boleh menjadi satu masalah. Masalah bagaimana tu? Iyalah, sulaman atau cetakan manakah yang lebih sesuai. Nak letakkan logo sahaja atau perkataan? Kesemua persoalan ini boleh membuatkan anda pening kepala kan? Disini kami berikan tips ringkas kepada anda tentang apa yang harus anda lakukan pada cap tersebut.

Anda hanya perlu tahu serba sedikit tentang teknik cetakan serta sulaman yang sesuai bagi topi anda. Yang pertama adalah sulaman. Ia sangat popular untuk digunakan ke atas topi. Ia lebih menyerlah dan anda tidak perlu menambah kos pun sekiranya anda ini menambah lebih warna benang. Selalunya anda akan dapat melihat sulaman ke atas sport caps, ataupun topi yang digunakan pada acara-acara tertentu. Jika design yang anda mahukan itu kecil dan ringkas tetapi memerlukan penggunaan warna yang pelbagai, embroidery adalah pilihan yang terbaik untuk anda.
Yang kedua adalah cetakan screen printing. Untuk kaedah screen printing, tidak semua jenis topi sesuai untuk dicetak menggunakan kaedah ini. Teknik ini lebih sesuai digunakan ke atas topi yang tidak mempunysi ‘centre seam’ (jahitan pusat) seperti topi tentera.

Seterusnya merupakan teknik cetakan transfer printing. Teknik ini lebih mudah untuk diaplikasikan kerana cetakan akan di print di atas kertas khas sebelum ditekapkan ke atas topi. Tetapi kelemahannya ia mudah luntur jika dibasuh berkali-kali. Dan seperti juga teknik screen printing, teknik transfer juga lebih sesuai untuk digunakan ke atas topi yang tidak mempunyai ‘centre seam’.
Setelah anda mengetahui tentang teknik-teknik di atas, bolehlah anda mereka design logo atau sulaman yang bersesuai. Jika anda masih lagi kurang jelas tentang perkara ini, anda boleh meminta bantuan daripada mereka di syarikat printing untuk membantu anda. Semoga anda akan mendapatkan design topi yang memuaskan hati.

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