Showing posts with label Label & Tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Label & Tag. Show all posts

Hydrographic Printing. What is that?

Well, have you ever heard about this word "hydrographic" in the printing world? Well, as its name appears as what it means, htdrographic is a methid of applying printed designs to three dimensional surfaces. It is also known as water heat transfer printing. the Hydrographic process can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hard woods and various other materials. There is the history about hydrographic printing. the first hydrographic apparatus was registered for US patent by Motoyasu Nakanish of Kabushiki Kaisha Cubic Engineering on July 26 in 1982.

Indeed, the water transfer printing process is extensively used to decorate items that range from entire all-terrain vehicles and car dashboards and even to small items such as bike, helmets or other automative trim. For your information, believe it or not that if an item that be dipped in the water where it can be painted by using traditional techniques then the hydrographic printing process can be used together with it. 

In the process, the method of printing is using a special paper that is known as waterslide decal paper. In another words, it means that it is like "applying" the sticker on the desired product. This paper is quite thin compare to the common sticker. So, the result will prove that this waterslide decal paper is better than a normal sticker.

Yes, this method is cheaper that heat press technique. You want to know why? it is because, this technique does not requireany use of heat stress or heat press. All you have to do is to buy a decal paper, then you can print whatever your desired designs, pictures and calligraphy by using inkjet or laser printer  and later on, attach it directly on the product. Also, the last step you need to do is to dry it just by using a hairdryer! See! As simple as that where you can even fill your free time or do it at home as your side income!

Oh, there is one fact left about hydrographic printing. Is it can be repainted on the same product or surface? the answer is YES! whether you dont like the designs or you want to have another new design on the sae surface, all you have to do just sanded those unwanted designs by using sand paper gently and painted it again. There you go! the piece is ready again for the same printing process.

Well. This is all you need to know about the hydrographic printing. Embrace yourself with this fun indoor activity, people.
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11 Jenis Tag & Label Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Sebelum Membuat Tempahan

Label atau tag pakaian melambangkan pembuat atau brand yang mengeluarkan pakaian tersebut . terdapat pelbagai jenis tag yang berada di pasaran dan di perbuat dari pelbagai material mengikut kesesuaian jenis dan permintaan pelanggan.

Label atau tag ini selalunya di jahit atau di lkeatkan pada bahagian pakaian yang mudah dilihat , seperti contoh t-shirt : label di jahit di belakang leher bagi memudahkan pelnagan untuk melihat jenis brand atau size atau detail tentang pakaian tersebut.

Label dibuat mengunakan beberapa teknik printing iaitu sulam , press dan stamping. setiap enis cetakan ini di sesuaikan mengikut jenis material yang akan digunakan . Bagi sesuatu jenis pakaian label ini amat dititikberatkan agar ia jelas dan nampak menarik di mata pelanggan , seterusnya ia menjadi suatu aksesori wajib bagi pakaian yang berjenama. Di bawah ini terdapat gambar dan jenis label dan tag.

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