Showing posts with label regular cotton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label regular cotton. Show all posts



Dalam industri pembuatan pakaian seperti t-shirt, kita sering kali mendengar tentang pakaian kapas. Tetapi tahukah anda? Sebenarnya, kain kapas ini juga terdiri daripada beberapa jenis. Yang kita akan bincangkan hari ini adalah mengenai regular dan ring spun cotton.
Proses penghasilan kedua-dua jenis kain kapas ini juga berbeza. Kapas biasa diperbuat daripada serat sayur-sayuran yang kemudian dipintal untuk membuat benang. Ia kemudian ditenun bagi menghasilkan fabric. Kebanyakan kilang pakaian menghasilkan kain jenis kapas biasa ini. Kapas biasa ini juga murahuntuk dihasilkan jadi marketnya juga lebih besar.

Ring spun cotton pula sangat berbeza. Ring spun cotton dibuat dengan cara memusing dan menipiskan lembaran kapas. Ini bagi memastikan gentian kapas tersebut menjadi sangat halus, kuat dan juga lembut. Hasilnya, fabric jenis ini tahan lebih lama berbanding fabric kapas yang lain. Tetapi, ia menjadikannya lebih mahal juga.
Sebenarnya, tiada perbezaan yang ketara pun antara dua jenis fabrik kapas ini. Cuma, jika anda ingin mencetak t-shirt dengan kaedah Direct to Garment atau DTG, ring spun cotton akan memberikan hasil cetakan yang lebih menarik.
Satu lagi fakta menarik  mengenai fabrik cotton ini adalah, walaupun nama atau labelnya serupa diseluruh dunia, namun daripada fabric untuk diimport juga akan memberikan kesan terhadap cetakan. Ini kerana setiap fabric itu mempunyai sedikit kelainan walaupun pada pandangan kasar ia kelihatan serupa. Fabrik yang di datangkan dari Bangladesh mungkin berbeza daripda fabric yang diimport dari China.

Apa-apa pun, fabrik cotton merupakan salah satu fabric yang mendapat tempat istimewa di negara kita. Ini kerana materialnya yang selesa sesuai dengan cuaca Malaysia yang agak panas. Sebagai pengguna mahupun peniaga, pengetahuan mengenai fabric memberi kelebihan kepada anda dalam memilih fabric yang bersesuaian untuk setiap cetakan mahu pun sulaman.
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The use of cotton in t shirt industry.

Cotton fibre can be woven or knitted into fabrics such as velvet, corduroy, chambray, velour, jersey and flannel.  In addition to textile products like underwear, socks and t-shirts, cotton is also used in fishnets, coffee filters, book binding and archival paper.  Cotton is a food and a fibre crop.  Cotton seed is fed to cattle and crushed to make oil.  This cottonseed oil is used for cooking and in products like soap, margarine, emulsifiers, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics.

Malaysia has such a warm weather. It could be hot and it could be cold. So, in this situation, materials for daily wear is important as it could make us, the wearer to be in comfortable. Thus, cotton is considered the most suitable material to make daily wear especially the t shirt. To begin with, of course cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fibre that grows in a boll, or protective case, around the seeds of cotton plants of the genus Gossypium in the family of Malvaceae. The fiber is almost pure cellulose. That is the reason why it is suitable for people who lives in the warm weather like Malaysia.

Of course, there are the history behind the cotton manufacturing. The use of cotton for fabric is known to date to prehistoric times; fragments of cotton fabric dated from 5000 BC have been excavated in Mexico and the Indus Valley Civilization in Indian subcontinent between 6000 BC and 5000 BC. Although cultivated since antiquity, it was the invention of the cotton gin that lowered the cost of production that led to its widespread use, and it is the most widely used natural fiber cloth in clothing today.

Indeed, the cotton itself has many benefits. Cotton fibre can be woven or knitted into fabrics such as velvet, corduroy, chambray, velour, jersey and flannel.  In addition to textile products like underwear, socks and t-shirts, cotton is also used in fishnets, coffee filters, book binding and archival paper.  Cotton is a food AND a fibre crop.  Cotton seed is fed to cattle and crushed to make oil.  This cottonseed oil is used for cooking and in products like soap, margarine, emulsifiers, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics.

The uses of cotton as t shirt material is that it can be a good sweat absorber. Whenever the wearer becomes sweat or perspired, the cotton material will absorb the sweat and allow the wind to cool down the wearer’s body. This will avoid the wearer from feeling hot and avoid from getting heat stroke especially in the drought season in Malaysia. That is why, the cotton material always be the first choice in the t shirt industry.

Other than that, since Malaysia is a country with warm climate, it is suitable to grow the cotton plant in here. Thus, despite of its rapid growth, the cotton is easy available and the labour or the cost is cheap compared to the other material. Of course, with its high demand from the customer, that is the reason why the t shirt manufacturer will choose the cotton as their first choice to produce a lot of t shirts.

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