Showing posts with label printer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printer. Show all posts

Cameo Silhouette.

A beautiful name, isn’t? Do you know what is cameo silhouette? Well. It is a cutting machine and to be precise, it  is an electronic cutting machine for personal use. Just like a home printer, all you need you do is to plug in it into your PC or MAC with simple USB cable.

Well. For the first-time user, you need to install the software that had been included together when you buy the machine. First thing first, you need to check the cutting blade starting from the number one. Make sure you use the suitable pressure according to the thickness of vinyl, sticker and dark paper. Keep in your mind to no scratch the board cutting. However, if the pressure is quite low, it will probably cause the cutting to be not perfect or break either.

The speed for the cutting blade is important to get a perfect and beautiful cutting. Be smart in setting the speed for the cutting blade to avoid the imperfect cutting. If the design has many curves and quite serrated, lower the speed for the cutting. However, if the design is in the straight line only, then you can “add on” the speed of the cutting for the blade. The perfect speed for the cutting is around 5-12. If the cutting is still not beautiful, you need to check the sharpness of the blade.

Before you do the cutting, you need to do the “test cut” first before you do the real cutting one. The best shape for the “test cut” is a square pattern or triangle pattern to test either the pressure and the speed for the cutting blade is suitable with the material that you want to cut. Oh, please do not worry on how to adjust the patterns as that patterns are available in the software that you installed in your PC and MAC.
Do not forget to check the material that you want to cut as the material must be in parallel position with this machine. This is because, it will help to avoid the cutting from “straying” the cutting line. If there is only a small piece that is hard to be broken off from the material, use the pin or tweezers to break that small pieces.

In order to avoid the dusts from falling on the material while cutting it, always cover the cutting mat after use it. This is indirectly to make sure the stickiness on the cutting board to be long lasting and durable. You must always monitor the sharpness of the cutting blade to make sure it will stay sharp. You can always use the cotton bud or a piece of the cloth to clean the blade.

Actually, it is not hard to take care of this machine. You can do it by yourself but it just need a little bit patience and caring only.

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What is CMYK?

Well, this is a good starter to understand how the printing works on the t shirt. For the people like us who do not know anything about the printing world, this is the first step to embark the “journey” into the world of t shirt printing. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing which is known as cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black).

The CMYK color model is also known as process color which consists of those four color. CMYK is a subtractive color model and indeed be used in widely in color printing and also used to describe the printing process itself. The CMYK model works by partially or entirely masking colors on a lighter, usually white, background. The ink reduces the light that would otherwise be reflected. Such a model is called subtractive because inks "subtract" brightness from white.

There is one process that involved in the CMYK model. The first one is known as haftoning process. Of course with CMYK printing, halftoning (also called screening) allows for less than full saturation of the primary colours. The tiny dots of each primary colour are printed in a pattern small enough that human beings perceive a solid colour. Magenta printed with a 20% halftone, for example, produces a pink colour, because the eye perceives the tiny magenta dots on the large white paper as lighter and less saturated than the colour of pure magenta ink. Without halftoning, the three primary process colours could be printed only as solid blocks of colour, and therefore could produce only seven colours: the three primaries themselves, plus three secondary colours produced by layering two of the primaries: cyan and yellow produce green, cyan and magenta produce blue, yellow and magenta produce red (these subtractive secondary colours correspond roughly to the additive primary colours plus layering all three of them resulting in black.  Thus by using halftoning, a full continuous range of colours can be produced.

To improve print quality and reduce moiré patterns, the screen for each colour is set at a different angle. While the angles depend on how many colours are used and the preference of the press operator, typical CMYK process printing uses any of the following screen angles.

To sum up, this model is actually necessary for the t shirt printing. With this model as the reference, the combination colour for the t shirt printing can be produced widely.
Souce: Wikipedia
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Kepada mereka diluar sana yang ingin menjalankan perniagaan printing, adalah sangat penting untuk anda mengetahui serba sedikit tentang jenis-jenis pencetak yang ada dipasaran. Ini bagi memastikan foto atau grafik yang dicetak itu adalah berkualiti sepadan dengan harga yang ditawarkan kepada pembeli.

Jenis yang pertama ialah pencetak laser. Ini adalah satu satu pencetak yang sering digunakan untuk mencetak cenderahati seperti mug, plate dan sebagainya. Pencetak jenis ini lebih mahal berbanding pencetak yang lain kerana kualitinya yang hebat. Pencetak yang menggunakan toner cartridge untuk mencetak ini, dapat mencetak lebih laju daripada pencetak dari jenis inkjet. Walaupun menggunakan toner cartridge, tetapi ia juga dapat memberikan kos penjimatan yang lebih kerana tahan lama walaupun beribu-ribu halaman telah dicetak.
Pencetak inkjet juga popular dalam industri t-shirt printing dan cenderahati. Harga mesin pencetak ini bersama tonernya juga lebih murah. Kebiasaannya, pencetak jenis ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan cetakkan dalam skala yang lebih kecil. Kertas dicetak dengan cara menyemburkan titisan dakwat mikroskopik di atas helaian kertas. Antara kelebihan printer jenis ini adalah ia boleh mencetak kertas yang besar. Tetapi kos operasinya mungkin lebih tinggi dan masa mencetak lebih panjang.
Yang ketiga ialah pencetak foto. Fungsi utamanya pula tentulah untuk mencetak gambar. Selalunya mesin ini dapat dilihat di kedai-kedai gambar ataupun “photobooth”. Sesuai dengan peredaran zaman, mesin ini boleh mencetak gambar daripada memory card telefon pintar, kamera digital mahupun komputer. Saiz pencetak boleh adalah antara 4x6 inci hingga ke 5x7 inci.
Mesin pencetak keempat pula ialah pencetak terma. Harganya lebih mahal berbanding pencetak lain. Mesin pencetak ini lain sedikit dari yang lain. Turut digelar pencetak haba, ia berfungsi apabila suhu meningkat pada kertas reaktif. Jadi kertas akan bertukar warna apabila terdapat tindak balas haba. Oleh itu, tiada pengguna dakwat dalam proses pencetakan.

Dan yang terakhir ialah pencetak pelbagai fungsi. Ia lebih sesuai digunakan dalam persekitaran korporat. Ia bukan sahaja dapat mencetak, tetapi juga dapat mengimbas, menyalin serta menghantar faks. Disebabkan mesin ini boleh menjalankan pelbagai fungsi, saiznya juga lebih besar. Harganya juga semestinya lebih mahal.
Sebenarnya terdapat pelbagai lagi pencetak yang terdapat dipasaran. Jika anda berniat untuk memiliki sesebuah pencetak tidak kiralah untuk tujuan perniagaan atau peribadi, anda perlulah memikirkan keperluan yang anda inginkan dari sesebuah pencetak. Jadi anda tidaklah tersalah beli nanti.

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