Showing posts with label printer inkjet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printer inkjet. Show all posts



Pada masa kini, sticker bukan sahaja digunakan dalam ke atas label produk tetapi juga bertindak sebagai medium pemasaran berkesan dalam bidang perniagaa. Reka bentuk sticker yang eye catching dapat menarik minat pengguna untuk mengenali sesuatu produk atau perkhidmatan itu. Ia juga boleh dijadikan souviner serta hadiah kepada orang tertentu. Entri kali ini akan memberikan tips untuk anda mencetak sendiri sendiri sticker vinyl menggunakan printer Inkjet.

Sticker jenis vinyl sering mendapat sambutan kerana berkualiti dan tahan lasak. Terdapat pelbagai teknik untuk mencetak sticker vinyl seperti cutting sticker, sticker offset dan sebagainya. Dalam banyak-banyak teknik ini, kaedah digital printing merupakan salah cara yang paling mudah. Anda hanya memerlukan printer Inkjet sahaja.
Caranya mudah sahaja. Langkah pertama, anda perlu menyediakan bahan sticker vinyl dan spray berisi cecair khas untuk pelapis sticker. Kemudian, semburkan cecair tersebut ke atas permukaan sticker tersebut secara rata. Ini bagi memastikan ink dapat dicetak dengan sempurna. Setelah itu, tunggu sehingga lapisan semburan tersebut kering.
Sebelum mula mencetak, anda perlu setting printer dengan quality photo set atau best photo. Elakkan daripada menggunakan high speed. Setelah itu barulah anda boleh mula mencetak bahagian atas sticker vinyl. Setelah siap, tunggu sehingga hasil cetakan kering. Jika anda nak cepat, anda boleh mengeringkan sticker tersebut menggunakan kipas atau hair dryers.

Mudah bukan? Anda juga boleh melakukannya sendiri bersama-sama keluarga. Untuk cetakan yang lebih menarik dan berkualiti, anda perlu memilih ink yang berkualiti juga. Kalau boleh, pilihlah ink yang water proof serta mengandungi UV protection supaya warna sticker tidak mudah luntur dan rosak. 
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Mungkin ada di kalangan anda diluar sana yang ingin mempelajari cara mencetak t-shirt atau pun mungkin juga berniat untuk menjalankan bisnes cetakan t-shirt secara kecil-kecilan. Artikel kali ini untuk memberi panduan kepada anda, tentan alatan asas yang diperlukan dalam percetakan t-shirt.
Perkara utama yang perlu ada sekiranya anda ingin mencetak t-shirt adalah software. Antara software penting yang sering digunakan adalah Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, dan Microsof word dan Paint. Jika anda tidak mahir untuk menggunakan perisian ini, seeloknya anda belajar dahulu. Ini penting dalam proses untuk mereka design sebelum di cetak ke atas baju. Anda boleh memilih mana-mana perisian yang telah disebutkan tadi untuk menghasilkan rekaan.
Benda kedua yang perlu anda miliki ialah ‘Teflon paper’. Ia merupakan sejenis kertas yang menjadi alas pelapik antara objek dengan mesin heat press. Ia berfungsi untuk mengelakkan rekaan melekat pada permukaan mesin. Selain itu, ia membantu untuk mencantik serta meratakan rekaan.

Tidak sah juga jika anda tidak mempunyai sublimation paper untuk mencetak t-shirt. Kertas sublimation ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan cetakan bergambar pada fabrik. Tetapi, kertas ini haruslah dicetak terlebih dahulu menggunakan printer inkjet. Kemudian kertas ini akan dipanaskan ke atas fabrik dengan mesin heat press. Dakwat tersebut akan tertanggal di permukaan baju.
Untuk melakukan cetakan sublimation ataupun heat transfer, anda tentunya memerlukan mesin heat press. Seperti yang di maklumkan di atas, mesin ini berfungsi untuk memastikan design melekat pada baju menggunakan tekanan haba dan masa yang bersesuaian.

Kalau nak diikutkan, tentulah banyak lagi alat serta bahan yang anda perlukan untuk percetakan t-shirt seperti blok kayu untuk teknik silk screen dan sebagainya. Yang kami nyatakan disini adalah yang kami rasakan betul-betul penting untuk anda. Semoga anda berjaya dalam cetakan pertama anda.
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What is CMYK?

Well, this is a good starter to understand how the printing works on the t shirt. For the people like us who do not know anything about the printing world, this is the first step to embark the “journey” into the world of t shirt printing. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing which is known as cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black).

The CMYK color model is also known as process color which consists of those four color. CMYK is a subtractive color model and indeed be used in widely in color printing and also used to describe the printing process itself. The CMYK model works by partially or entirely masking colors on a lighter, usually white, background. The ink reduces the light that would otherwise be reflected. Such a model is called subtractive because inks "subtract" brightness from white.

There is one process that involved in the CMYK model. The first one is known as haftoning process. Of course with CMYK printing, halftoning (also called screening) allows for less than full saturation of the primary colours. The tiny dots of each primary colour are printed in a pattern small enough that human beings perceive a solid colour. Magenta printed with a 20% halftone, for example, produces a pink colour, because the eye perceives the tiny magenta dots on the large white paper as lighter and less saturated than the colour of pure magenta ink. Without halftoning, the three primary process colours could be printed only as solid blocks of colour, and therefore could produce only seven colours: the three primaries themselves, plus three secondary colours produced by layering two of the primaries: cyan and yellow produce green, cyan and magenta produce blue, yellow and magenta produce red (these subtractive secondary colours correspond roughly to the additive primary colours plus layering all three of them resulting in black.  Thus by using halftoning, a full continuous range of colours can be produced.

To improve print quality and reduce moiré patterns, the screen for each colour is set at a different angle. While the angles depend on how many colours are used and the preference of the press operator, typical CMYK process printing uses any of the following screen angles.

To sum up, this model is actually necessary for the t shirt printing. With this model as the reference, the combination colour for the t shirt printing can be produced widely.
Souce: Wikipedia
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The textile industry! What is that?

Well, look at the fashion that everyone is wearing right now? Different designs on t shirt, colourful traditional attires and many more. So, all these kinds of fashions are into one group that is known as textile industry. Well, to clear the doubt, let us understand what is textile industry. The textile industry or apparel industry is primarily concerned with the design and production of yarn, cloth, clothing, and their distribution. The raw material may be natural, or synthetic using products of the chemical industry. Of course, there are three types of textile processes.

The first one is known as Cotton manufacturing. Cotton is the world's most important natural fibre. In the year 2007, the global yield was 25 million tons from 35 million hectares cultivated in more than 50 countries. There are five stages in cotton manufacturing. They are know as Cultivating and Harvesting, Preparatory Processes, Spinning- giving yarn, Weaving- giving fabrics and Finishing- giving textiles

The second is known as synthetic fibres. It is an artificial fibres can be made by extruding a polymer, through a spinneret into a medium where it hardens. Wet spinning (rayon) uses a coagulating medium. In dry spinning (acetate and triacetate), the polymer is contained in a solvent that evaporates in the heated exit chamber. In melt spinning (nylons and polyesters) the extruded polymer is cooled in gas or air and then sets.[3] All these fibres will be of great length, often kilometres long. Artificial fibres can be processed as long fibres or batched and cut so they can be processed like a natural fibre.

The third is known as Natural fibres. The natural fibres are either from animals (sheep, goat, rabbit, silk-worm) mineral (asbestos) or from plants (cotton, flax, sisal). These vegetable fibres can come from the seed (cotton), the stem (known as bast fibres: flax, Hemp, Jute) or the leaf (sisal). Without exception, many processes are needed before a clean even staple is obtained- each with a specific name. With the exception of silk, each of these fibres is short being only centimetres in length, and each has a rough surface that enables it to bond with similar staples.

To sum up, these are the process that involves in the cotton textiles industry. With these processes, a variety of materials come out and dominate the t shirt industry.

Source : Wikipedia
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