The textile industry! What is that?

Well, look at the fashion that everyone is wearing right now? Different designs on t shirt, colourful traditional attires and many more. So, all these kinds of fashions are into one group that is known as textile industry. Well, to clear the doubt, let us understand what is textile industry. The textile industry or apparel industry is primarily concerned with the design and production of yarn, cloth, clothing, and their distribution. The raw material may be natural, or synthetic using products of the chemical industry. Of course, there are three types of textile processes.

The first one is known as Cotton manufacturing. Cotton is the world's most important natural fibre. In the year 2007, the global yield was 25 million tons from 35 million hectares cultivated in more than 50 countries. There are five stages in cotton manufacturing. They are know as Cultivating and Harvesting, Preparatory Processes, Spinning- giving yarn, Weaving- giving fabrics and Finishing- giving textiles

The second is known as synthetic fibres. It is an artificial fibres can be made by extruding a polymer, through a spinneret into a medium where it hardens. Wet spinning (rayon) uses a coagulating medium. In dry spinning (acetate and triacetate), the polymer is contained in a solvent that evaporates in the heated exit chamber. In melt spinning (nylons and polyesters) the extruded polymer is cooled in gas or air and then sets.[3] All these fibres will be of great length, often kilometres long. Artificial fibres can be processed as long fibres or batched and cut so they can be processed like a natural fibre.

The third is known as Natural fibres. The natural fibres are either from animals (sheep, goat, rabbit, silk-worm) mineral (asbestos) or from plants (cotton, flax, sisal). These vegetable fibres can come from the seed (cotton), the stem (known as bast fibres: flax, Hemp, Jute) or the leaf (sisal). Without exception, many processes are needed before a clean even staple is obtained- each with a specific name. With the exception of silk, each of these fibres is short being only centimetres in length, and each has a rough surface that enables it to bond with similar staples.

To sum up, these are the process that involves in the cotton textiles industry. With these processes, a variety of materials come out and dominate the t shirt industry.

Source : Wikipedia
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