Our T shirts at Saudagar Printing and Souvenir!

Of course, your school or company is going to held an event, so you are wondering how to order the T shirt for that event? What are the materials that appropriate for it? Is the material is appropriate for the kids as well? Well, please don’t be hesitate. Do come and visit our company, Saudagar Printing and Souvenir. We are here in Pahang. Yes, we have everything that we could serve you.

Of course, our material is made up of 100% cotton. The benefits of using the cotton material is that it is a good absorbent for sweat. Not only that, it is comfortable to wear it any time even under the sun shine! Well, we want the best for our dear customers and of course comfort is our first priority in custom made T- shirt.

How about the design and pattern? Which one of the designs that is suitable to be wore? Please, do not worry over such thing because we have all kind of T shirts such as short sleeve T shirt, long sleeve T shirt, POLO, Raglan and many more. Of course we have the t shirt for children and baby as well. This pictures below are the sample for type of RAGLAN shirt and round neck T shirt.

We will be pleased if we could help you, so If you want to order any t shirt as above OR to know more info,  please contact us :
Our branch manager, Mr Wan : 1. 0176273066
                                                   2. 0123783066

Here is our link to our website : https://www.saudagar2u.com 
All you have to do is copy that link and paste it in Google search Engine and Voila! Welcome to our small world.

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