Review Marketing Plan? 3 WH questions of What, Why and When.

Yes, every company or business do have their own marketing plan or strategies. But as a someone who manage and handle the company, have you ever thought to review your marketing strategies or update them from time to time?Well, it is important for you to know about the reviewing the marketing plan once in a while. Well, take a deep breath and let’s understand about this 3WH marketing plan.

As for the question “what”, do you know what is reviewing marketing plan? Reviewing marketing plan meaning that you are always “check” your marketing plan once in a while. Meaning that, for example, you should review your marketing plan every three months. Whether you are solely responsible for marketing, or work as part of a team, a strong review process will help you stay on track with your big picture goals while you wrestle with the challenges of implementing tactics in business. You have to review them because they actually benefit your company in the future. This will be discussed further in answering the question “why” in the next paragraph.

Of course, as to answer the question “why” you need to review your marketing plan is actually related to the benefits of the reviewing those strategies in business. Reviewing your plan on a regular basis is so important so you should schedule your review dates. By reviewing the marketing strategies and plans, you will be able to update them. Besides, you will also find the strengths and the weaknesses of those plans and strategies for you business. Also, with the rapid changes of technologies and medias, you can utilize them in expanding your business. Yes, when you are reviewing your marketing strategies and plan with your marketing team, you will know what you should do for the next step. Believe it or not, with different thoughts and ideas can actually help you in your business and this can only be achieved when you are reviewing your marketing plan.

Last but not least, to answer the question “when” to review your marketing plan, there are a lot of “time” to review it. However, before you review it, though, decide exactly what you’ll review, how you’ll approach troubleshooting, and what you’ll do when things don’t quite go according to plan. Once you make any needed adjustments, it’s time to do it all again. There are two major signals that it’s time to rethink and revisit your marketing plan. The first is when you launch one or more campaigns based on your stated core value proposition or promoting your new or flagship product. Believe it, those promotions will start bombing in market demanding.

To sum it, these questions are necessary as you need to review your marketing once in a while. It actually benefits your company in many ways. 
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