Ways to attract your clients in t shirt printing Industry.

Of course, customers or clients are everything that you need in your business. Without them, how can your business “work”? Well, other than have the soft skill communication, actually there are a lot of ways to attract the customers or the clients to buy your products. This is necessary especially in the t shirt printing industry.
The first step is of course knowing your clients. It means that you need to understand the religion or the culture practices of your clients. Of course, if you need to design the t shirt, you need to avoid the racism or something that is inappropriate for the client’s religion. For example, for Malay who is Muslim, is prohibited to wear anything that resembles other religion be it the t shirt. So, it is necessary to consider your clients’ practices in a deal.
Other than that, when you are dealing with your clients, you need to be knowledgeable about your business. it is because, it is easy for you to answer the questions by your customers and clients regarding your business. With this, it will ensure your customers that your company or your business is trust able.
Indeed, think yourself to find an answer in dealing with the customers. It is because, if you give your potential clients a good reason to try your services, this will be your first step into making them a loyal customer tp your company. As suggested by Jason Reis, the owner and lead programmer for Flehx Corp. said that “Provide value and establish yourself as having an in-depth understanding of the problems they are looking to solve. This takes the form of creating content via webinars, blog posts, guest blogging, and getting out there and physically networking with people. From all this you will start to attract a following, and as long as you have a structured sales funnel setup, you will be able to convert the followers/fans into paying customers.”
Keep in mind to “trace” where your customers come from. It is not about the location or the place that is needed but with your targeted customers in mind, “identify those places where they are likely to be found (media, online, offline, mail, etc.), and then create messages for them,” says Jeff Motter, CEO and chief marketing officer of East Bay Marketing Group. This is because, if you look for customers, it will depend on the nature of your business. Some good online locations include forums and social media pages, including your own and those of similar or complementary businesses. When it comes offline, you can meet plenty of potential customers at conferences and conventions in your industry.
To sum up, in the printing business, it is necessary for the manager to know how to attract your customers so that it will build your business from time by time.

3 reasons that need to be considered before proceed with DTG Printing!

Just like other printings, the DTG technique also has its own disadvantages. Even though, the result is so amazingly beautiful however there are many factors that need to be considered before you as the user decided to proceed with DTG printing. As the points will be elaborated clearly, please take note and keep in mind before proceed you decided to choose the DTG Printing.

Okay, keep in mind that this type of printing is quite sensitive. I repeat, SENSITIVE! Yes, you need to consider the temperature changes where you will do the DTG Printing even though it is a closed room. This is because, the ink that will be used in DTG Printing are VERY SENSITIVE to the changes of temperature. For example, if the temperature in that  room is hot and warm, this will cause the ink to dry quickly. So, you have to make sure that the room where that printing will take place is comfortable and has a suitable temperature.

Other than that, the equipment for this type of printing is quite EXPENSIVE! WOW!Honestly, this is quite risky for those who just a starter in this printing business to buy the equipment for DTG Printing. By the logical opinion, it is obvious that  you will never print in a big quantity as the customer will definitely choose the printing that is more cheap for them. So, you need to see the marketing request for this type of printing before you buy all those equipment for DTG Printing. This will help you to avoid the wasting for this type of printing.

Of course, you should know that DTG printing require a LONG TIME to complete a printing. Just imagine how many time you need to print for hundred of T shirts? Not to mention that the background colour for T shirt also play the important role in DTG Printing. This is because, for a white t shirt, it will be around 20 to 50 T shirts to print for an hour however, for black color T shirts, it will take only 8 to 20 T shirts to ptint. So, be wise to choose the type pf printing that will make save up” your time.

So, be wise to choose the printing that will “help” you in many ways. Do a research about your place whether the customers prefer DTG printing type pf not so that your investments in this business will be worth.
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How to print the design or text on the hat?

Hat is off! Voila! Well. Hat is important in the fashion. It is a must-complete-suit that will make your day perfect. Hat can be worn by women, men and even children. It is a fashion that transcend through the time. So, the design on the hat must be looking good and fantastic! But, hey. There will always the problems about designing the hat. For example, what kind of embroidery that fit the hat? Or just print the logo on the hat? Or just the text as the design? What the colour of the hat that match well or blend together? Or perhaps the blocking colour will look good too? These questions are the main foundational of the problems. However, ladies and gentlemen. Rest assured as we will point out the tips to help you to “create” your own perfect hat! Bear in mind that you should learn a little bit about embroidery and printing techniques that will make your hat looks…perfect… fantastic… and fabulous.

First, embroidery is popular to be used as one of the designs on the hat. It will look more stunning and you do not need to waste your money on this design. It is because, to do a perfect embroidery, you just need to use different colours for the thread to create the designs or your texts on your hat. So, if you want a simple design yet need a lot of colour variety, embroidery is a perfect way to design your hat.

Second, Printing especially screen printing is necessary as one of the techniques to create the designs or texts on the hat. However, not all hat can use this technique. It is because, this screen printing is more suitable to be used on the hat’s surface that doesn’t has centre seam such as soldier hat. That is the reason why this screen printing is not quite popular to be used to design the hat.

Third, transfer printing is one of the ways to design the printing. This technique is quite easy to be applied on the hat because of the printing will be print on the special paper before being pasted on the hat. However, as easy it is to do the printing, it is also easily washed off. The design is not long lasting at all. On the same page with screen printing, this type of printing is more suitable to be used on the hat’s surface that  doesn’t has centre seam.

All these techniques or methods are necessary to be learnt as you can decide what kind of designs you want to use on the hat. Also, if you do not understand about this kind of methods and techniques, feel free to ask the designer in the company printing to assist you in getting the custom made hat. Hasta da Lavista!

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How to be our agent!

Yes, we are looking and hiring someone to be our agent. To be a part of our family at Saudagar Printing and Souvenir. To be with us through the thick and thin. Well, if you are interested in becoming one of our part of company, it is actually easy steps to be followed! one click, fill the form and there you go, welcome to our dream!

First thing first, fill the form about your personal details in the part Your personal Details as below. And of course you need to write your adress as well. PLEASE WRITE THE CURRENT ADRESS because it will be easy for us to contact you or to deliver our products to you. Of course, please fill the form with all honesty.

Of course, SSM is important because it shows your validity as someone capable becoming our agent. We hire the skills and not the people. Please upload your certificate in the column provided as shown in this picture below.

 Of course, you can require anything necessary for you like machines, items or services that you need. We will be pleased to help you.

And Last but no least, create you own password and confirm it with us. We will entertain you as soon as we received you application!

For more info, you can visit this web page: http://www.saudagar2u.com/index.php?route=account/agentregister

 We will help you to become our agent and indirectly become one of our family! 
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Our T shirts at Saudagar Printing and Souvenir!

Of course, your school or company is going to held an event, so you are wondering how to order the T shirt for that event? What are the materials that appropriate for it? Is the material is appropriate for the kids as well? Well, please don’t be hesitate. Do come and visit our company, Saudagar Printing and Souvenir. We are here in Pahang. Yes, we have everything that we could serve you.

Of course, our material is made up of 100% cotton. The benefits of using the cotton material is that it is a good absorbent for sweat. Not only that, it is comfortable to wear it any time even under the sun shine! Well, we want the best for our dear customers and of course comfort is our first priority in custom made T- shirt.

How about the design and pattern? Which one of the designs that is suitable to be wore? Please, do not worry over such thing because we have all kind of T shirts such as short sleeve T shirt, long sleeve T shirt, POLO, Raglan and many more. Of course we have the t shirt for children and baby as well. This pictures below are the sample for type of RAGLAN shirt and round neck T shirt.

We will be pleased if we could help you, so If you want to order any t shirt as above OR to know more info,  please contact us :
Our branch manager, Mr Wan : 1. 0176273066
                                                   2. 0123783066

Here is our link to our website : https://www.saudagar2u.com 
All you have to do is copy that link and paste it in Google search Engine and Voila! Welcome to our small world.

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Cameo Silhouette.

A beautiful name, isn’t? Do you know what is cameo silhouette? Well. It is a cutting machine and to be precise, it  is an electronic cutting machine for personal use. Just like a home printer, all you need you do is to plug in it into your PC or MAC with simple USB cable.

Well. For the first-time user, you need to install the software that had been included together when you buy the machine. First thing first, you need to check the cutting blade starting from the number one. Make sure you use the suitable pressure according to the thickness of vinyl, sticker and dark paper. Keep in your mind to no scratch the board cutting. However, if the pressure is quite low, it will probably cause the cutting to be not perfect or break either.

The speed for the cutting blade is important to get a perfect and beautiful cutting. Be smart in setting the speed for the cutting blade to avoid the imperfect cutting. If the design has many curves and quite serrated, lower the speed for the cutting. However, if the design is in the straight line only, then you can “add on” the speed of the cutting for the blade. The perfect speed for the cutting is around 5-12. If the cutting is still not beautiful, you need to check the sharpness of the blade.

Before you do the cutting, you need to do the “test cut” first before you do the real cutting one. The best shape for the “test cut” is a square pattern or triangle pattern to test either the pressure and the speed for the cutting blade is suitable with the material that you want to cut. Oh, please do not worry on how to adjust the patterns as that patterns are available in the software that you installed in your PC and MAC.
Do not forget to check the material that you want to cut as the material must be in parallel position with this machine. This is because, it will help to avoid the cutting from “straying” the cutting line. If there is only a small piece that is hard to be broken off from the material, use the pin or tweezers to break that small pieces.

In order to avoid the dusts from falling on the material while cutting it, always cover the cutting mat after use it. This is indirectly to make sure the stickiness on the cutting board to be long lasting and durable. You must always monitor the sharpness of the cutting blade to make sure it will stay sharp. You can always use the cotton bud or a piece of the cloth to clean the blade.

Actually, it is not hard to take care of this machine. You can do it by yourself but it just need a little bit patience and caring only.

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Hydrographic Printing. What is that?

Well, have you ever heard about this word "hydrographic" in the printing world? Well, as its name appears as what it means, htdrographic is a methid of applying printed designs to three dimensional surfaces. It is also known as water heat transfer printing. the Hydrographic process can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hard woods and various other materials. There is the history about hydrographic printing. the first hydrographic apparatus was registered for US patent by Motoyasu Nakanish of Kabushiki Kaisha Cubic Engineering on July 26 in 1982.

Indeed, the water transfer printing process is extensively used to decorate items that range from entire all-terrain vehicles and car dashboards and even to small items such as bike, helmets or other automative trim. For your information, believe it or not that if an item that be dipped in the water where it can be painted by using traditional techniques then the hydrographic printing process can be used together with it. 

In the process, the method of printing is using a special paper that is known as waterslide decal paper. In another words, it means that it is like "applying" the sticker on the desired product. This paper is quite thin compare to the common sticker. So, the result will prove that this waterslide decal paper is better than a normal sticker.

Yes, this method is cheaper that heat press technique. You want to know why? it is because, this technique does not requireany use of heat stress or heat press. All you have to do is to buy a decal paper, then you can print whatever your desired designs, pictures and calligraphy by using inkjet or laser printer  and later on, attach it directly on the product. Also, the last step you need to do is to dry it just by using a hairdryer! See! As simple as that where you can even fill your free time or do it at home as your side income!

Oh, there is one fact left about hydrographic printing. Is it can be repainted on the same product or surface? the answer is YES! whether you dont like the designs or you want to have another new design on the sae surface, all you have to do just sanded those unwanted designs by using sand paper gently and painted it again. There you go! the piece is ready again for the same printing process.

Well. This is all you need to know about the hydrographic printing. Embrace yourself with this fun indoor activity, people.
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